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«урок - Free Time - Board Games»

Конспект открытого урока

по английскому языку в 6 классе

по УМК Ю.Е. Ваулина, Дж. Дули, О.Е. Подоляко, В. Эванс


по теме



Алтуева Т.А,

учитель английского языка


Класс: 6

Lesson: Free Time. Board Games.

Тип урока: комбинированный

Цели урока:

Практические (учебные):

  1. Повторение лексики по теме «Свободное время».

  2. Совершенствование и систематизация лексических единиц по теме «Свободное время» в устной речи посредством различных видов упражнений.

  3. Повторение времен английских глаголов – the Present Simple и the Present Continuous.

  4. Чтение и работа с текстом (введение социокультурной информации – игры Великобритании).


  1. Развитие коммуникативных навыков по теме «Свободное время».

  2. Развитие памяти, мышления, внимания.

  3. Развитие способности анализировать и делать выводы.

  4. Развитие социокультурной компетенции.


  1. Расширение кругозора учащихся.

  2. Поддержание интереса к изучению английского языка.


  1. Формирование уважительного отношения к увлечениям других людей, к мнению другого человека.

  2. Работа по профориентации.

  3. Воспитание любви к своей Родине.

Речевой материал: лексика по теме «Свободное время», «Настольные игры».

Грамматический материал: Present Simple и Present Continuous.

Оборудование: УМК «Spotlight»





аудиозапись к учебнику,

картинки по теме, карточки с лексическими единицами.

План урока:

1. Оргмомент – 2 мин

2. Сообщение темы и целей урока – 1 мин

3. Фонетическая гимнастика - 3 мин

4. Речевая разминка (Актуализация речевого м-ла по теме «Свободное время») - 4 мин

5. Аудирование – 4 мин

6. Проверка домашнего задания – 4 мин

7. Повторение the Present Simple и the Present Continuous – 3 мин

8. Релаксация – 3 мин

9. Чтение - 7 мин

10. Развитие умений и навыков устной речи - 4 мин

11. Домашнее задание – 2 мин

12. Подведение итогов урока – 1 мин

13. Рефлексия – 2 мин

Ход урока

Этап урока, время

Деятельность учителя

Деятельность учащихся


Организационный момент

2 мин

- Good morning. Sit down, please.

- I’m glad to see you.

- My name is Мarina Olegovna.

So, I think we are ready to start our lesson.

- Who is on duty today?

- What date is it today?

- What day is it?

- Who is absent today?

- What is the weather like today?

  • I am on duty today.

  • It is the 23rd of January.

  • It it Friday.

  • All are present.

  • It is …


Сообщение темы и целей урока

1 мин

Now let’s start our lesson. The title of our lesson is FREE TIME. BOARD GAMES. (Слайд 1)

We shall speak about our free time, get information about English board games, speak about Russian (board) games, revise the Present Simple and the Present Continuous and we shall sing a song.

I hope the lesson will be interesting for you and you will enjoy it.


Фонетическая гимнастика

3 мин

At first let`s practice the English sounds. Look at the screen and name the sound:

(учитель показывает ученикам транскрипционные значки и просит назвать звуки и английские слова с ними)

(Слайд 2)

[w] – windsurfing, swimming, win

[ʌ]- success , puzzle, fun

[ı] - win, billiard, jigsaw puzzle

[a:] – marbles, darts, partner

[ɳ] – meeting, fishing, cycling

[æ] –scrabble, backgammon, acting

Учащиеся называют звуки и слова


Речевая разминка

4 мин

- Children, I don’t know all about you at all. And I would like to know about you. What are you interested in, what do you like to do in your free time? (Слайд 3) (Ребята, я вас совсем не знаю, мне бы очень хотелось бы узнать чем вы интересуетесь, чем вы любите заниматься в свободное время?)

- Answer my questions, please. (T-P-P)

- What do you do in your free time?

- Are you keen on playing computer games?

- Do you like to go swimming?

- Do you like to read books?

- Can you paint?

- When do you go fishing?

- Where can we go windsurfing?

- Do you often meet friends?

- Do you like to go cycling?

- What games do you know? (Слайд 4)

- What is your favourite game?

- Thank you.

As for me, I like jigsaw puzzles.

Дети отвечают на вопросы



4 мин

Now, let`s do listening. Please, open your books at page 59. Find Ex. 9. Listen and match the speakers to the activities they like. (Слайд 5) , Аудиозапись


Change the works. Take your pencils and check, please. (Слайд 6)

Count the mistakes and give the mark, please.

- What did you get?

Дети прослушивают запись.

Дети обмениваются работами и проводят взаимопроверку по слайду, оценивание.

Озвучивают свои оценки.


Проверка домашнего задания

4 мин

Now let`s check your homework.

- What was your homework for today? (Слайд 7)

(Слайд 8)

Проверка домашнего задания.


Повторение the Present Simple и the Present Continuous

3 мин

- Давайте вспомним как образуется the Present Simple?

- Какое действие обозначает?

- Как образуется the Present Continuous?

- Какое действие обозначает?

(Слайд 9)

- Просто глагол без частицы to, в 3л ед ч добавляется окончание –s.

- Действие, которое происходит обычно, каждый день; выражаю-щее привычку, постоянное состояние.

- Глагол to be в настоящем времени +глагол с –ing-овым окончанием.

- Действие, происходящее сейчас; запланированное действие в ближайшем будущем; выражающее раздражение.



3 мин

People in my Town

(a song about professions) (1куплет) (Слайд 10), (раздать листочки со словами песни), Аудиозапись

I see a firefighter, fighting fires,

I see a car mechanic changing tires.

I see a pilot, flying through the air.

I see a barber, cutting people’s hair.

I see the people in my town

And I say:

Hey, brother, what’s going down?

  1. Дети читают за учителем по строчке + перевод

  2. Дети по просьбе находят глаголы в Pr.S. и в Pr.Cont.

3) Дети поют вместе с учителем и записью


Чтение (Социокультурная информация)

7 мин

OK, we have had some fun, so let`s continue our work.

Please, open your books at page 61. Find Ex.1. P1, read the task, please.

  • Reading the task

  • Listening (Слайд 11, 12, 13) Аудиозапись

  • Reading & translating CLUEDO (Слайд 11)

P1 – P2 – P3 - …

  • Reading & translating SCRABBLE (Слайд 12)

  • Reading & translating MONOPOLY (Слайд 13)

  • Questions:

- Which of the games is about solving a crime?

- Which of the games is about buying and selling property?

- Which of the games uses letters to make words?

Very nice!

- Now Ex. 2. Read again and mark sentences YES or NOW. (Слайд13, 14)

Excellent! That`s right!

- Well, explain the words in bold. (Слайд 15)

Very nice!

* Look at the board. What do these numbers mean? Make sentences. (*цифры на карточках*)

  • 80

  • 1943

  • 1949

  • 1933

  • 1934

  • 5000

  • 200 million

Дети читают задание упр. 1 стр. 61.

Дети прослушивают текст.

Дети читают и переводят по цепочке.

Дети отвечают на вопросы учителя.

- Cluedo

- Monopoly

- Scrabble

  1. Дети читают про себя

  2. Дети отмечают правильные ответы

  3. Дети объясняют значение слов

Дети называют цифру и составляют с ней предложения.


Развитие умений и навыков устной речи

4 мин

Ex. 5 p. 61.

-What is the most popular board game in your country?

Make notes under the headings, then talk about it.

  • Name

  • Aim

  • How to play it

  • Number of players

- Дети составляют по опорной схеме рассказ о самой популярной игре в России.


Домашнее задание

2 мин

Now, please write down your homework:

Ex. 5 p. 61.(объяснение домашнего задания)

(дети записывают домашнее задание)


Подведение итогов урока

1 мин

Your marks for the lesson are the following: (учитель оценивает работу учащихся на уроке).

Дети выставляют оценки



2 мин

- Did you like our lesson?

- What have you learnt today?

(Слайд 19)

Very nice!

Well, the lesson is over. Good-buy.

(дети высказывают свои мнения об уроке)

- Good-buy.

Просмотр содержимого презентации
«к уроку - free time - board games»

.   Free Time. Board Games .


Free Time. Board Games .

Aims:    - to speak about our free time  - to check the homework  - to develop auditory skills  - to get information about English board games  - to sing a song  - to speak about Russian (board) games  - to revise Present Simple and Present Continuous


- to speak about our free time - to check the homework - to develop auditory skills - to get information about English board games - to sing a song - to speak about Russian (board) games - to revise Present Simple and Present Continuous

Read:   [w] – w indsurfing, s w imming, w in  [ʌ]- s u ccess , p u zzle, f u n  [ı] - w i n, b i lliard, j i gsaw puzzle  [a:] – m ar bles, d ar ts, p ar tner   [ɳ] – meeti ng , fishi ng , cycli ng  [æ] –scr a bble, backg a mmon, a cting

Read: [w] – w indsurfing, s w imming, w in [ʌ]- s u ccess , p u zzle, f u n [ı] - w i n, b i lliard, j i gsaw puzzle [a:] – m ar bles, d ar ts, p ar tner [ɳ] – meeti ng , fishi ng , cycli ng [æ] –scr a bble, backg a mmon, a cting

Ex. 9 p. 59  Listen and match the speakers to the activities they like:    A billiards B marbles C darts D dominoes E scrabble F chess G jigsaw   Speaker 1 - … Speaker 2 - … Speaker 3 - … Speaker 4 - … Speaker 5 - …

Ex. 9 p. 59 Listen and match the speakers to the activities they like:

A billiards

B marbles

C darts

D dominoes

E scrabble

F chess

G jigsaw

Speaker 1 - …

Speaker 2 - …

Speaker 3 - …

Speaker 4 - …

Speaker 5 - …

Check yourself: Speaker 1 - F Speaker 2 - E Speaker 3 - C Speaker 4 - G Speaker 5 - B Mistakes - Marks  0 - “5”  1 – “4”   2 – “3”  3 – “2”

Check yourself:

Speaker 1 - F

Speaker 2 - E

Speaker 3 - C

Speaker 4 - G

Speaker 5 - B

Mistakes - Marks

0 - “5”

1 – “4”

2 – “3”

3 – “2”

Ex. 8 p. 59.    Complete the text with the correct form of these verbs:  Hi, I`m Sarah and I 1)________ in London. I 2)________ playing games, especially board games like monopoly and scrabble. My sister also 3)________ games. We 4)________ scrabble at the moment but we 5)________. We often 6)________ because I 7)________ scrabble but she 8)________ monopoly. Today my sister 9)________ very happy because I 10)________ again.  like  argue  play  prefer  live  love  win  enjoy  (not always) agree  not be

Ex. 8 p. 59.

Complete the text with the correct form of these verbs:

Hi, I`m Sarah and I 1)________ in London. I 2)________ playing games, especially board games like monopoly and scrabble. My sister also 3)________ games. We 4)________ scrabble at the moment but we 5)________. We often 6)________ because I 7)________ scrabble but she 8)________ monopoly. Today my sister 9)________ very happy because I 10)________ again.









(not always) agree

not be

Ex. 8 p. 59.    Complete the text with the correct form of these verbs:  Hi, I`m Sarah and I 1)_ live _ in London. I 2)_ like _ playing games, especially board games like monopoly and scrabble. My sister also 3)_ loves _ games. We 4)_ are playing _ scrabble at the moment but we 5)_ don`t always agree _. We often 6)_ argue _ because I 7)_ enjoy _ scrabble but she 8)_ prefers _ monopoly. Today my sister 9)_ isn`t _ very happy because I 10)_ `m winning _ again.

Ex. 8 p. 59.

Complete the text with the correct form of these verbs:

Hi, I`m Sarah and I 1)_ live _ in London. I 2)_ like _ playing games, especially board games like monopoly and scrabble. My sister also 3)_ loves _ games. We 4)_ are playing _ scrabble at the moment but we 5)_ don`t always agree _. We often 6)_ argue _ because I 7)_ enjoy _ scrabble but she 8)_ prefers _ monopoly. Today my sister 9)_ isn`t _ very happy because I 10)_ `m winning _ again.

People in my Town   I see a firefighter, fighting fires,  I see a car mechanic changing tires.  I see a pilot, flying through the air.  I see a barber, cutting people’s hair.  I see the people in my town  And I say:  Hey, brother, what’s going down?

People in my Town I see a firefighter, fighting fires, I see a car mechanic changing tires. I see a pilot, flying through the air. I see a barber, cutting people’s hair. I see the people in my town And I say: Hey, brother, what’s going down?

Ex. 1 p. 61.  A B C

Ex. 1 p. 61. A B C

  • Which of the games is about solving a crime?
  • Which of the games is about buying and selling property?
  • Which of the games uses letters to make words?
England, 1943. Anthon Pratt invents Cluedo and his wife designs the board. Waddington Games buys the idea, releases the game in 1949 and it becomes a great success. The aim of the game is to find out the identity of the killer of Dr Black, the murder weapon and the scene of the crime. In order to do that, players move around the house and ask the other players questions. The first player to solve the crime wins. Cluedo

England, 1943. Anthon Pratt invents Cluedo and his wife designs the board. Waddington Games buys the idea, releases the game in 1949 and it becomes a great success. The aim of the game is to find out the identity of the killer of Dr Black, the murder weapon and the scene of the crime. In order to do that, players move around the house and ask the other players questions. The first player to solve the crime wins.


Scrabble New York, 1933. Alfred Butts notices how popular crossword puzzles are and comes up with the idea of Scrabble. In Scrabble players pick seven letter tiles at random and they try to make words using their letters. Players get bonus points for using certain squares on the board and using letters like Q and Z. The player with the most points at the end of the game wins.


New York, 1933. Alfred Butts notices how popular crossword puzzles are and comes up with the idea of Scrabble.

In Scrabble players pick seven letter tiles at random and they try to make words using their letters. Players get bonus points for using certain squares on the board and using letters like Q and Z. The player with the most points at the end of the game wins.

Monopoly USA, 1934. Charles Darrow invents the Monopoly board game and makes the first 5000 sets of the game himself. The aim of the game is to make as much money as possible. In order to do that players buy, sell and rent property . One by one, the players run out of money and the last player left is the winner. Today, Monopoly is the best selling board game in the world with sales of over 200 million sets in different countries.


USA, 1934. Charles Darrow invents the Monopoly board game and makes the first 5000 sets of the game himself.

The aim of the game is to make as much money as possible. In order to do that players buy, sell and rent property . One by one, the players run out of money and the last player left is the winner. Today, Monopoly is the best selling board game in the world with sales of over 200 million sets in different countries.

Ex. 2 p. 61.  Read again and mark the sentences Y (Yes) or N (No):   Cluedo is a game to play at home. In Scrabble , the players answer questions. You can buy Monopoly in 200 countries. Scrabble is like a crossword puzzle. … Yes … No … Yes … Yes

Ex. 2 p. 61. Read again and mark the sentences Y (Yes) or N (No):

  • Cluedo is a game to play at home.
  • In Scrabble , the players answer questions.
  • You can buy Monopoly in 200 countries.
  • Scrabble is like a crossword puzzle.

… Yes

… No

… Yes

… Yes

Explain the words in bold

Explain the words in bold

  • To design
  • To release
  • Killer
  • Murder weapon
  • To come up with
  • At random
  • Bonus points
  • Aim
  • Property
  • To run out
  • Sales
Ex. 4 p. 61. What is the popular board game  in Russia?

Ex. 4 p. 61.

What is the popular board game

in Russia?

  • Name
  • Aim
  • How to play it
  • Number of players
Homework Ex. 5 p. 61 Write a paragraph about a popular board game in Russia.


Ex. 5 p. 61

Write a paragraph about a popular

board game in Russia.

  • Name
  • Aim
  • How to play it
  • Number of players
found out… learnt… T oday at the lesson I  have remembered… known …

found out…


T oday at the lesson I have




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