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What kind of choices do people have to make in their everyday life? Why do some people choose to do the same things every day?

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«What kind of choices do people have to make in their everyday life? Why do some people choose to do the same things every day?»

What kind of choices do people have to make in their everyday life? Why do some people choose to do the same things every day?

Choices are part of everyday life. The choices that you make have a great effect on your outcome in life. Whether the decision is big or small, you should always be cautious and learn valuable lessons from each choice that you make. One must encounter choices that have to be made everyday. You may not even be aware of the choices that you make because of the unimportance of it to you at the time. There are decisions that you must make at work, school, home, and even the city that you live in play a big role in the person that you are. By looking at all the different choices that can be made and weighing out the pros and cons this task can easily be overcome. The lessons that you acquire throughout life by making choices play a tremendous part in how you will handle the next situation that you may incur. These lessons may be good or bad ones but however, remain a very valuable part in one’s life. The popular phrase what you learn from your mistakes? is a fine way of saying that there are mistakes that are made but the next time you will be more knowledgeable and make a better decision. The more we grow in age the more wise we will become from experience. Choices are an important part of life as I have proved to in the above passages. They should be taken seriously and never overlooked. Even the smallest of choices can effect you in the biggest way. So the next time you run across a problem think hard before you make that deciding choice.

Why do some people choose to do the same things every day? Are there any disadvantages in this?

In my opinion, some people choose to do the same things every day because their current lives are so smooth that they do not want any changes and want to remain what they are possessing. Secondly, they are scared of changes. They think they cannot be strong enough to bear new things and new challenges.

There are some disadvantages in this. The first is their lives are not absorbing and just chains of boring days. Secondly, they will be fragile and coward when facing with new challenges while life means waves.


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