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Linking Words. Revision 1

Внимание! Все тесты в этом разделе разработаны пользователями сайта для собственного использования. Администрация сайта не проверяет возможные ошибки, которые могут встретиться в тестах.
Complete the sentences using the words in bold

Список вопросов теста

Вопрос 1

I haven't worn my blue dress for a long time.

since   It's a long time ...................my blue dress.

Вопрос 2

There was a queue at the supermarket so I was late home.

due    I arrived home late .................. there was a queue at the supermarket

Вопрос 3

James has decided to buy a motorbike; we can't stop him.

prevent     We can't .................................a motorbike.

Вопрос 4

She studied biology because she wanted to be a nurse.

view   She studied biology ....................... a nurse.

Вопрос 5

He was hard-working but he couldn't find a job.

though    Hard-working .................not find a job.

Вопрос 6

She left all her money in the bank because she was afraid of being burgled.

fear   She left all her money in the bank ..............................burgled.

Вопрос 7

I cashed a cheque because I might need more money.

case   I cashed a cheque............................money.

Вопрос 8

Take some sandwiches. There may not be a cafe at the station.

in    Take some sandwiches...............................a cafe at the station.

Вопрос 9

My little brother is very different from me.

like    My little brother ...................... me.

Вопрос 10

He was the only one who didn't enjoy the film.

except      Everyone .......................................him.

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