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Вопрос 1

Read the text and do the tasks to it. Have you ever asked why a bee sting hurts, or what makes lemons taste sour? Have you ever wondered why nails rust, or why water rolls off a duck’s feathers? These are the kinds of questions scientists try to answer in the science called chemistry. If you have thought about these things, you might decide to find out more about chemistry, the study of matter. From the beginning of human life, people have always wanted to know what things are made of. Even in ancient times, before the Greeks, humans discovered that they could make hard bricks for building houses if they mixed together clay, water, and straw, and then dried the mixture in the sun. They noticed that water from the ocean tasted saltier than water from a stream. They learned that rocks would not burn. They noticed that different types of matter behaved differently. The ancient Greeks tried to find out matter step by step. They wrote down their ideas, and we can still read what they thought. They said that everything is made out of four basic kinds of matter: earth, air, fire and water. Today, scientists know that isn’t right, but people still respect the ideas of the Greeks, because they studied the natural world so carefully. Later on, people called alchemists began to study matter for their own gain. They thought they could become rich by changing cheap metals like iron into expensive gold. They tried everything they could think of, but no gold ever appeared. Even though the alchemists did not succeed, their experiments taught them many new things about matter. Today, chemists not only learn what past ages knew about matter, they also gain new knowledge. Now we know more about matter than ever before. But chemists still have plenty to learn. They are still finding out how different materials can be mixed together to make new things.

1. The main goal of chemistry is _____.

Варианты ответов
  • A. to find a set of laws governing matter, motion and energy
  • B. to understand matter and it’s behavior
  • C. to study life and living organisms, their structure, function and evolution
  • D. to understand the distribution and abundance of living things in the physical environment
Вопрос 2

2. Chemistry is involved in the processes of ______. Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the text? 

Варианты ответов
  • A. metal rusting
  • B. making new building materials
  • C. nesting birds
  • D. salinization of water
Вопрос 3

3. Alchemists were people _____.

I. who wanted to become wealthy by getting gold from other metals

II. who discovered iron and turned it into gold

III. who managed to learn more about matter

IV. whose experiments were a success

Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?

Варианты ответов
  • A. I and II only
  • B. I and III only
  • C. III and IV only
  • D. III and II only
Вопрос 4

Alchemists _____.

What is TRUE about alchemists?


Варианты ответов
  • A. did a lot of harm to the science of chemistry
  • B. attracted the scientists’ attention to the problem of making gold out of other metals
  • C. distracted the real scientists from solving other problems of chemistry
  • D. made a contribution to the science of chemistry
Вопрос 5

5  Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the text?  

Варианты ответов
  • A. The scientists of today pay tribute to the Greek scientists of the past for their ideas
  • B. All things are known to be made of four kinds of matter: earth, air, fire and water.
  • C. The ideas of the Greek scientists were incorrect.
  • D. The Greek scientists studied the natural world thoroughly
Вопрос 6

6. The text above is _____.

A. scientific

B. critical

C. fictional

D. informative

Варианты ответов
  • A. scientific
  • B. critical
  • C. fictional
  • D. informative
Вопрос 7

7. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about chemistry?

A. It can explain many things concerning matter.

B. It can help us make new things.

C. It deals with biological and ecological problems.

D. It has a long history.

Варианты ответов
  • A. It can explain many things concerning matter.
  • B. It can help us make new things.
  • C. It deals with biological and ecological problems.
  • D. It has a long history.
Вопрос 8

8. What is NOT TRUE about alchemists?


Варианты ответов
  • A. They studied chemistry for the sake of science
  • B. They studied chemistry for their own good.
  • C. They made a lot of experiments which help people learn more about matter.
  • D. They were possessed with the idea of obtaining gold.
Вопрос 9

9. Which of the following variants might be the best title for the text above?

A. Modern and ancient sciences

B. Chemistry in ancient Greece

C. Alchemists and their experiments

D. What is chemistry?

Варианты ответов
  • A. Modern and ancient sciences
  • B. Chemistry in ancient Greece
  • C. Alchemists and their experiments
  • D. What is chemistry?
Вопрос 10

10. Which of the following can’t be used instead of the word “gain” in line 1 in the last paragraph of the text?

A. get

B. acquire

C. receive

D. collect   

Варианты ответов
  • A. get
  • B. acquire
  • C. receive
  • D. collecеt
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