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Презентация "Формирование читательской грамотности на уроках английского языка"

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Презентация "Формирование читательской грамотности на уроках английского языка"

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«Презентация "Формирование читательской грамотности на уроках английского языка"»

«Люди перестают мыслить, когда перестают читать»  Д. Дидро Формирование читательской грамотности обучающихся на уроках английского языка в условиях реализации ФГОС третьего поколения

«Люди перестают мыслить, когда перестают читать»

Д. Дидро

Формирование читательской грамотности обучающихся на уроках английского языка в условиях реализации ФГОС третьего поколения

 Читательская грамотность – это составляющая функциональной грамотности.   Читательская грамотность, в свою очередь, является одним из важных направлений формирования функциональной грамотности, под которой понимается способность понимать и использовать тексты, размышлять о них, читать, чтобы достигать своих целей, расширять знания и возможности, участвовать в жизни общества , а большое разнообразие текстов в учебниках английского языка дают возможность учителю формировать читательскую грамотность на уроках, используя для этого разные приемы работы с текстовым материалом.

Читательская грамотность – это составляющая функциональной грамотности.

Читательская грамотность, в свою очередь, является одним из важных направлений формирования функциональной грамотности, под которой понимается способность понимать и использовать тексты, размышлять о них, читать, чтобы достигать своих целей, расширять знания и возможности, участвовать в жизни общества , а большое разнообразие текстов в учебниках английского языка дают возможность учителю формировать читательскую грамотность на уроках, используя для этого разные приемы работы с текстовым материалом.

 Формирование читательской грамотности на уроках иностранного языка предполагает работу над развитием следующих умений у учащихся:  1.Умение находить и извлекать необходимую информацию из текста;  2.Умение интегрировать и интерпретировать информацию;  3.Умение, направленное на осмысление и оценку прочитанного в тексте.  

Формирование читательской грамотности на уроках иностранного языка предполагает работу над развитием следующих умений у учащихся:

1.Умение находить и извлекать необходимую информацию из текста;

2.Умение интегрировать и интерпретировать информацию;

3.Умение, направленное на осмысление и оценку прочитанного в тексте.


 Для формирования читательской грамотности на уроках иностранного языка можно использовать следующие упражнения , построенные на работе с разными форматами текстов: Деление текста на абзацы Предвосхищение содержания текста Найди ошибки, сходства/различия Объедини части текста

Для формирования читательской грамотности на уроках иностранного языка можно использовать следующие упражнения , построенные на работе с разными форматами текстов:

  • Деление текста на абзацы
  • Предвосхищение содержания текста
  • Найди ошибки, сходства/различия
  • Объедини части текста
СПОСОБЫ ФОРМИРОВАНИЯ ЧИТАТЕЛЬСКОЙ ГРАМОТНОСТИ НА УРОКЕ ИНОСТРАННОГО ЯЗЫКА Этапы работы с текстом:  Предтекстовый (Pre-reading) Текстовый (While-reading) Послетекстовый (Post-reading)


Этапы работы с текстом:

  • Предтекстовый (Pre-reading)
  • Текстовый (While-reading)
  • Послетекстовый (Post-reading)
Spotlight, 5, p.66, ex. 3

Spotlight, 5, p.66, ex. 3

Pre-reading  1. Look at the pictures. What animals can you see? What can you expect in the reading?

Pre-reading 1. Look at the pictures. What animals can you see? What can you expect in the reading?

 2. Before reading the text look at these words. They are from the text. Try to guess about what it is.   South Asia stripes hunt dangerous heavy trunk horn alone mud

2. Before reading the text look at these words. They are from the text. Try to guess about what it is.

  • South Asia
  • stripes
  • hunt
  • dangerous
  • heavy
  • trunk
  • horn
  • alone
  • mud
While-reading 1. Read the text. 2. Find and write down ten adjectives. 3. Put down all irregular verbs that you will find. 4. Crazy Synonyms. Find the adjectives and replace them with synonyms or something funny. 5. Make up sentences using the following words: national, funny, water, dangerous, head, beautiful


1. Read the text.

2. Find and write down ten adjectives.

3. Put down all irregular verbs that you will find.

4. Crazy Synonyms. Find the adjectives and replace them with synonyms or something funny.

5. Make up sentences using the following words:

national, funny, water, dangerous, head, beautiful

Post-reading 1. After reading the text make a word cluster. There is a key word in the center of it. Look at the example.  crocodile Animals of India


1. After reading the text make a word cluster. There is a key word in the center of it. Look at the example.


Animals of India

2 . Make some questions with the following words What? Where? Why ? 3. Design a poster using pictures or photos of Indian animals.

2 . Make some questions with the following words

  • What?
  • Where?
  • Why ?

3. Design a poster using pictures or photos of Indian animals.

Spotlight 4, p.76, ex. 7 Androcles and the Lion  A very big and very strong lion lives on a mountain. Every night he goes down to the river to drink some water. One evening the lion falls into a thorny bush. “Ouch!” he says. “ I’ve got a thorn in my foot.” At this moment, a poor slave called Androcles appears. “Kind man, can you help me?” says the lion and holds up his paw to Androcles. “Yes, of course,” says Androcles. “But quickly. My master is looking for me!” Androcles kneels down and pulls the thorn out.  Soon after, Androcles’s master catches him and sends him to fight with a lion in front of the Emperor. Androcles is very scared. The lion comes out of the cage and runs to Androcles. The lion stops in front of Androcles and rolls over on his back with all four feet in the air. How can that be? Oh yes. It’s the lion from the mountain! It cannot hurt Androcles. The Emperor is so surprised. He sets them both free. Androcles and the lion go back to the mountain and live happily ever after.

Spotlight 4, p.76, ex. 7

Androcles and the Lion

A very big and very strong lion lives on a

mountain. Every night he goes down to the

river to drink some water. One evening the

lion falls into a thorny bush. “Ouch!” he says.

“ I’ve got a thorn in my foot.” At this moment,

a poor slave called Androcles appears. “Kind

man, can you help me?” says the lion and

holds up his paw to Androcles. “Yes, of

course,” says Androcles. “But quickly. My

master is looking for me!” Androcles kneels

down and pulls the thorn out.

Soon after, Androcles’s master catches him

and sends him to fight with a lion in front of

the Emperor. Androcles is very scared. The

lion comes out of the cage and runs to Androcles. The lion stops in front of

Androcles and rolls over on his back with all four feet in the air. How can that

be? Oh yes. It’s the lion from the mountain! It cannot hurt Androcles. The

Emperor is so surprised. He sets them both free. Androcles and the lion go back

to the mountain and live happily ever after.

Pre-reading activities  1 . Look at the pictures. What can you see? What is this story about?

Pre-reading activities 1 . Look at the pictures. What can you see? What is this story about?

2. Read the title of the text, please.  What do you expect will happen from reading the title? Make predictions.

2. Read the title of the text, please. What do you expect will happen from reading the title? Make predictions.

3. Read the end and predict the beginning. 4. Look through the text and try to find the adjectives. 5. Find the words that start from letter “c”. 6. Read the key words: Androcles, lion, slave, thorn, master, the Emperor, thorny bush

3. Read the end and predict the beginning.

4. Look through the text and try to find the adjectives.

5. Find the words that start from letter “c”.

6. Read the key words:

Androcles, lion, slave, thorn, master, the Emperor, thorny bush

While-reading activities 1. Read aloud.   Let’s break into groups and go to the front. Read the passage, sentence by sentence or word by word. 2. Complete the sentences. Pictures will help you. A very big and very strong …….. lives on a mountain. Every night he goes down to the …… .. to drink some water. One evening the lion falls into a thorny bush. “Ouch!” he says. “ I’ve got a thorn in my foot.” At this moment, a poor slave called ……. appears. “Kind man, can you help me?” says the lion and holds up his ……. to Androcles. “Yes, of course,” says Androcles. “But quickly. My master is looking for me!” Androcles kneels down and pulls the thorn out.

While-reading activities

1. Read aloud.   Let’s break into groups and go to the front. Read the passage, sentence by sentence or word by word.

2. Complete the sentences. Pictures will help you.

A very big and very strong …….. lives on a

mountain. Every night he goes down to the

…… .. to drink some water. One evening the

lion falls into a thorny bush. “Ouch!” he says.

“ I’ve got a thorn in my foot.” At this moment,

a poor slave called ……. appears. “Kind

man, can you help me?” says the lion and

holds up his ……. to Androcles. “Yes, of

course,” says Androcles. “But quickly. My

master is looking for me!” Androcles kneels

down and pulls the thorn out.

 3. Try to find some mistakes.   A very big and very strong lien lives on a mountain. Every night he goes down to the river to drink some woter. One evenin the lion falls into a thorny bush. “Ouch!” he say. “ I’ve got a thorn in my foot.”

3. Try to find some mistakes.

A very big and very strong lien lives on a

mountain. Every night he goes down to the

river to drink some woter. One evenin the

lion falls into a thorny bush. “Ouch!” he say.

“ I’ve got a thorn in my foot.”

A very big and very strong lien lives on a mountain. Every night he goes down to the river to drink some woter . One evenin the lion falls into a thorny bush. “Ouch!” he say . “ I’ve got a thorn in my foot.”

A very big and very strong lien lives on a

mountain. Every night he goes down to the

river to drink some woter . One evenin the

lion falls into a thorny bush. “Ouch!” he say .

“ I’ve got a thorn in my foot.”

 4 . Stop before the end!  Stop and discuss what the possible ending will be.

4 . Stop before the end!  Stop and discuss what the possible ending will be.

Post-reading activities.

Post-reading activities.

 2. Rewrite sentences in the correct order. 1. “I’ve got a thorn in my foot. 2. “Kind man, can you help me?” says the lion and holds up his paw to Androcles. 3. At this moment, a poor slave called Androcles appears. Every night he goes down to the river to drink some water. 4. A very big and very strong lion lives on a mountain. 5. One evening the lion falls into a thorny bush.

2. Rewrite sentences in the correct order.

1. “I’ve got a thorn in my foot.

2. “Kind man, can you help me?” says the lion and

holds up his paw to Androcles.

3. At this moment, a poor slave called Androcles appears. Every night he goes down to the river to drink some water.

4. A very big and very strong lion lives on a mountain.

5. One evening the lion falls into a thorny bush.

3. Who said that? 1. “Ouch! I’ve got a thorn in my foot.” 2. “Kind man, can you help me?” 3. “Yes, of course” 4. “But quickly.  My master is looking for me!”

3. Who said that?

1. “Ouch! I’ve got a thorn in my foot.”

2. “Kind man, can you help me?”

3. “Yes, of course”

4. “But quickly.

My master is looking

for me!”

4. Find passages (sentences) and arrange them correctly. “ I’ve got a thorn in my foot.” At this moment, a poor slave called Androcles appears. “Kind man, can you help me?” says the lion and holds up his paw to Androcles. A very big and very strong lion lives on a mountain. Every night he goes down to the river to drink some water . The lion stops in front of Androcles and rolls over on his back with all four feet in the air. How can that be? Oh yes. It’s the lion from the mountain! It cannot hurt Androcles. The Emperor is so surprised. He sets them both free. Androcles and the lion go back to the mountain and live happily ever after. “ Yes, of course,” says Androcles. “But quickly. My master is looking for me!” Androcles kneels down and pulls the thorn out. Soon after, Androcles’s master catches him and sends him to fight with a lion in front of the Emperor.

4. Find passages (sentences) and arrange them correctly.

“ I’ve got a thorn in my foot.” At this moment,

a poor slave called Androcles appears. “Kind

man, can you help me?” says the lion and

holds up his paw to Androcles.

A very big and very strong lion lives on a

mountain. Every night he goes down to the

river to drink some water

. The lion stops in front of

Androcles and rolls over on his back with all four feet in the air. How can that

be? Oh yes. It’s the lion from the mountain! It cannot hurt Androcles. The

Emperor is so surprised. He sets them both free. Androcles and the lion go back

to the mountain and live happily ever after.

“ Yes, of course,” says Androcles. “But quickly. My master is looking for me!” Androcles kneels down and pulls the thorn out. Soon after, Androcles’s master catches him and sends him to fight with a lion in front of the Emperor.

5. Correct the mistakes  A very big and very strong rabbit lives on a mountain. Every night he goes down to the lake to drink some juice. One morning the rabbit falls into a thorny bush.

5. Correct the mistakes

A very big and very strong rabbit lives on a

mountain. Every night he goes down to the

lake to drink some juice. One morning the

rabbit falls into a thorny bush.

 A very big and very strong rabbit  lion lives on a mountain. Every night he goes down to the lake  river to drink some juice  water . One morning  evening the rabbit  lion falls into a thorny bush.

A very big and very strong rabbit lion lives on a mountain. Every night he goes down to the lake river to drink some juice water . One morning evening the rabbit lion falls into a thorny bush.

 6 . Relate it to Real-life.   Share similar situations from your life. Or you can compare it to another story or movie, what are the differences and similarities? 7. Create a new character of the story. 8. Retell the story. 9. Interview a character from the story. 10. Write New Dialogue.  Create and act out some new dialogue between characters, this can be very funny. 11. Design poster. Design, draw or describe a poster for the story as if it was made into a movie.

6 . Relate it to Real-life. 

Share similar situations from your life. Or you can compare it to another story or movie, what are the differences and similarities?

7. Create a new character of the story.

8. Retell the story.

9. Interview a character from the story.

10. Write New Dialogue.  Create and act out some new dialogue between characters, this can be very funny.

11. Design poster. Design, draw or describe a poster for the story as if it was made into a movie.

Вопросы во время чтения книги  Перед началом чтения What are we going to do? - We are going to read this book. Is this book big or small? - This book is big  Look at the cover. What can you see? - I can see a lion and a tiger. What color is the cover? - The cover is red and green Are you ready to read this book? - Yes, I'm ready to read this book Can you count the pages? - Yes, I can count the pages

Вопросы во время чтения книги Перед началом чтения

  • What are we going to do? - We are going to read this book.
  • Is this book big or small? - This book is big Look at the cover. What can you see? - I can see a lion and a tiger.
  • What color is the cover? - The cover is red and green
  • Are you ready to read this book? - Yes, I'm ready to read this book
  • Can you count the pages? - Yes, I can count the pages
 В процессе чтения   Can you find ______? Can you count_____? What color is the ______?_ What is ________ doing? What is _________wearing? What sound does a ______ make? How does __________feel?

В процессе чтения

  • Can you find ______?
  • Can you count_____?
  • What color is the ______?_
  • What is ________ doing?
  • What is _________wearing?
  • What sound does a ______ make?
  • How does __________feel?
В конце чтения Did you like this book? Who are you in this book?

В конце чтения

  • Did you like this book?
  • Who are you in this book?

Серия книг Джулии Дональдсон

Серия книг Джулии Дональдсон

Ресурсы для чтения на английском https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home/reading-owl/find..

Ресурсы для чтения на английском https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home/reading-owl/find..



«Читать -это еще ничего не значит; что читать и как понимать прочитанное –вот в чем главное дело» К. Д. Ушинский  

«Читать -это еще ничего не значит; что читать и как понимать прочитанное –вот в чем главное дело»

К. Д. Ушинский



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