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Указательные местоимения в английском языке. ...
01.02.2019 11:59 361 2
Dear guests we are glad to see you in our festival of holidays. ...
01.02.2019 11:58 225 3
In the course of human evolution at a certain ,point of time , the idea of living in a group with mutual understanding and dependency became very useful. ...
01.02.2019 11:52 178 1
Teenage  problems.  Our age is so strange. We know that we are on the way to become adults. ...
01.02.2019 11:48 149 0
The meaning of the term civilization has changed several times during its history, and even today it is used in several ways. It is commonly used to describe human societies "with a high level of cultural and technological development", as opposed to what many consider to be less " ...
30.01.2019 21:27 307 1
Принципы работы с одаренными детьми: •     дифференциация и индивидуализация обучения (высшим уровнем реализации которой является разработка индивидуальной программы развития одаренного ребенка). •     максимальное разнообразие предоставляемых возможностей. ...
30.01.2019 21:23 559 2
                                                                                    &nb ...
30.01.2019 21:18 231 0
Complete the questions and give the short answers. 1.    Balzac was a famous English writer, _________? _________ 2.    He had a strange hobby, _________ ? __________ 3.    He liked to tell a person’s character by his or her appearance, ______? ...
30.01.2019 16:46 567 2
The heart can fit in the palm of our hand, But the whole world does not fit in our heart, Other countries are very good, But Dagestan is the dearest for the soul. RasulGamzatov Ученик 1 The year 2016 has been declared the Year of Mountains in Dagestan for the sustainable development of mountain a ...
30.01.2019 16:31 151 1
Цели и задачи: образовательные:  закрепление умений адекватного восприятия иноязычной речи на слух; развитие навыков устной речи на английском языке; расширение кругозора и словарного запаса. развивающие:                       &n ...
30.01.2019 16:23 352 3

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