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My criteria for the best wallpaper 1) Include only important information (name,phone,email, personal quality,photos,) (30 points) 2) Literacy (40 points) 3) Design (30 points) Total 100 points 1) When I evaluated wallpaper I more paid attention to the including important information, such as name, phone, personaly quality, photos. In the wallpaper of 34 EK all students wrote their name, phone, email, but most of them didn't add their pers ...
04.03.2018 22:25 112
Hello, everybody. My name is Akerke and I am third course student of faculty foreign language in Kostanay State Pedogogical Institute. Teacher is essential person in students' life. When I was at school I had great teacher in English. She was broad-minded, patient, creative, inspiring, motivator for all students in the classroom. English lessons always were interesting with her. She motivated us to study language. I admired to her and wanted to be great teacher as she. This was the first ...
04.03.2018 21:22 291

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