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1) It stood on its own and looked over a broad spread of West Country farmland. Not a remarkable house by any means - it was about thirty years old, squattish, squarish, made of brick, and had four windows set in the front of a size and proportion which more or less exactly failed to please the eye. Spread - простор, пространство; протяжённость Not by any means - отнюдь не Squattish - п ...
02.01.2018 00:44 422
1) Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small unregarded yellow sun. Uncharted - не отмеченный на карте; неизведанный; неизвестный, неведомый Backwater - заводь, запруда Unregarded - не пользующийся вниманием, уважением 2) Orbiting this at a distance of roughly ninety-two million miles is an utterly insigni ...
01.01.2018 23:57 339
Idioms about changes and technology 1) A leopard can't change its spots - something that you say which means that a person's character, especially if it is bad, will not change, even if they pretend it has. After our breakup, he came crawling back, trying to convince me that he'd changed, but I know that a leopard can't change its spots. 2) All mod cons ...
12.01.2017 22:42 389
Phrasal verbs about changes and technology 1) Back up - to make copy of a program or file that is stored separately from the original. In most cases, people back up the files that are most important to them, such as tax statements, bank details, financial reports, personal pictures and files. 2) Change around - to place in or adopt a different or opposite position. ...
12.01.2017 22:14 531
Idioms about thinking and learning 1) Go to one's head - make someone proud or conceited. It seems that the power of being Vice President has finally gone to his head. 2) Have one's wits about one - remain alert or calm, especially in a crisis. Being followed was terrifying, but Kate had her wits about her and got home sa ...
05.01.2017 18:27 302
Phrasal verbs about thinking and learning 1) Brush up (on) - improve one's previously good knowledge of or skill at a particular thing. Brush up on your telephone skills. 2) Come (a)round (to) - be converted to another person's opinion. I came round to her point of view. 3) Come up with - think ...
05.01.2017 17:46 660
Я работаю в школе учителем английского языка. Всего лишь год, как я в этой професии, но уже с уверенностью могу сказать, что, несмотря на все трудности, с которыми приходится сталкиваться, это, несомненно, мое место, это то, чему я всегда, еще с самого детства, хотела посвятить себя. В школьные годы моим любимым предметом был английский язык, именно поэтому в дальнейшем я решила связать свою судьбу с углубленным изучением этого языка. И не прогадала! Я люблю английский до такой степени, что мне ...
13.12.2016 21:20 358

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