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Advantages and disadvantages of technological progress

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Host: Everything on Earth has its advantages and disadvantages. Professor Tom Hunter and an environmentalist, Professor Judith Crawley join us today to talk about pros and cons of scientific and technological progress. Welcome to our studio. Dr. Hunter, Dr. Crawley, thanks for being with us today.

JC: Thanks for inviting me and introducing me. Well, I must say I’m not against the development of science and technology. I want people to realize what this development entails.

TH: Let’s first talk about what progress means for humanity. It definitely improves the quality of life. Progress means less work for humans. It makes life more enjoyable.

JC: Less work – yes, but people tend to become lazy and prefer not to work at all. We don’t have to think and work as much these days. Enjoyable? – Yes, but it makes people more materialistic. There is more greed. People want things they could easily live without.

TH: You can’t deny that for people with disabilities progress means a lot. It makes their lives considerably easier. Just a century ago people were dying of terrible diseases. Now we have better medical care, vaccinations are more reliable. Scientific and technological progress has extended our life span. We’re now coming closer to the solution of the mystery of life.

JC: You are right, of course… And you are not. What kind of life do you think our children will have, and their children and grandchildren in the world polluted by thousands of factories, in the world where progress is so wide-spread that there is no place for a tiger or a panda? I’m trying to think forwards, warning you about the things we might lose irretrievably in the future.

TH: Progress means doing some jobs faster. Scientific and technological progress will help to overcome problems we have today. We will get new energy sources, cars will be safer and the problem of pollution will be solved.

JC: It might be solved too late for some animal and plant species. And it will be solved too late for some people whose health has deteriorated because of the so-called ‘progress’ – chemical factories, water poisoning, accidents at work places involving machines and mechanisms. People die of malfunctions - take Chernobyl and Fukushima, for instance. The list is endless.

TH: If a mother is always warning her child about the dangers of life, this child will grow up into an adult who is too cautious, who never dares to take risks, to make new discoveries. Science means discovering new things, finding new ways of solving problems, taking risks sometimes. Let’s take natural disasters. Now we can predict them faster.

JC: More weapons are created, technology is used in wars. Whether or not to use this or that scientific discovery is usually decided by the people who have all the power. But they are normally the people who want more profit, more money out of this discovery. They are not worried about the future of the planet. Don’t forget about climate change.

TH: Every child knows now that climate change is a debatable thing. Nobody knows for sure if it is actually happening. But talking about getting information, I must say that progress makes knowledge more accessible regardless of class, age and wealth. And more information inevitably leads to more choices.

JC: Yes, and many people will choose to work at home, in front of the computer and, as a result, will miss out on socialising skills and personal contacts. Moreover, progress should lead to more time in our lives, but it actually doesn’t. We have to spend too much time on keeping up-to-date with all the newest technologies. So, it’s a kind of a vicious circle.

Host: It seems there is no easy way to decide if science and technology are constructive or destructive…

Host: What’s the conclusion then? Can science save us from ourselves? Science is neither good nor evil. It’s how we apply scientific knowledge that counts. Medical science has defeated many diseases. Is that good? It may have saved many from suffering, but it is a factor in human population expansion which leads to the need for more food. Human lives are important, but we are not the only species to inhabit this planet. Agricultural science has given us more crops, less disease and protection from pests. But this has had effects on nature, some of which have yet to become evident. Science has given us power, but this power has a price. Yes, we have acquired great scientific knowledge, but we have yet to learn the secret of natural balance. It is not science we must look to, to ensure the future, it is us. We must understand that whatever we do has a consequence. Do not blame the gun for killing a child, blame the one who pulls the trigger. The gun is an inanimate object, but the politicians, scientists, engineers, manufacturers and financiers are behind its development and they should take the responsibility. We should make life better on a global scale. The whole infrastructure of every society bears the responsibility for the use of science and technology either for good or for ill. Anyway, it’s a different subject. Thanks you for joining us today.

JC and TH: Thank you.

07.02.2016 11:19

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