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"English as a global language". Подготовка выступления учениц 6 класса на школьной неделе английского языка

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The introduction:

For many years now we have been referring to English as a global language. as the language of communication and technology. Everybody seems to be learning English and it isn’t uncommon to see English being used as a means of communication between. (let’s see). a German scientist. and an Italian politician, for example.

"Do you speak English?" - The communication between people who speak different languages ​​and want to find a common language begins with this phrase. "Yes" - and a conversation starts. There are around 6000 languages in the world. English is very popular and is spoken all over the world. English surrounds us; it is firmly entered in our lives. For example, there are signs in English, names of firms, companies and firms, advertising everything in English. If you know English, you can read and understand them. In addition, we buy clothes from other countries. If you know English well, you can read the information about the size of a product, you can understand what it is made of.

The main body:

English language is an important component in the life of a modern man.

Today, probably, it is very difficult to find someone who considers that studying of English language is something extraordinary. These days. if you don’t know English, you are in danger of being excluded from what’s going on. in education, at work. and especially in the world of technological advances.

Historically English language became the official language of the United Kingdom and the United States. There are more than 300 million native speakers of English. It’s also native language in such countries as Canada, Australia and New Zealand. It is also used as an official language in 70 and more countries of the world. This includes, Cameron, India, Pakistan, Fiji, Tanzania, Malaysia, etc. All in all, English is the native language of 12 nations and official and semi-official language for another 33 nations, 98 million people consider English as their second language, it is the most important language in more than 60 countries. Today there are almost 1000 million people in the world who know English at some extent. Even if they can’t speak fluently, they understand it quite well.

After the World War II and particularly in the 1980s and 1990s, the computer revolution began all over the world. It was due to the American technology and the American know-how. So, it is logic that the language of the computers is English. The main reason why it is like this is the fact that, although it could be designed with languages of one own country, this process it very expensive.

English is the top language in many spheres, including business, tourism, science, education, medicine, aviation. It became the official and working language of the United Nations.

At the moment most Internet sites are in English and many youngsters use English alphabet to write text messages. Any international document, technical article, artwork, guide, a poster, a book, a song, a letter will be read and understood by the representatives of different nations, if they are written in English. This language in the modern world has become the language of international communication.

Millions of students worldwide attend language schools in order to study English, although the best way to learn a foreign language is to merge into native atmosphere. That’s why many students prefer studying in English-speaking countries to improve their language skills. Also English dominates the media landscape as well. So many films, series, song lyrics are in English. And, it’s surprising how many adopted English words and expressions we use in everyday life.

In conclusion:

Nowadays, many people around the world learn English. They understand that if you want to be successful and wealthy, you have to know English. From the 2d form we began to study English. Huge interest, the desire to master this beautiful language came from our school lessons and from my teachers, now I became addicted to a detailed study of the language. I am sure that the study of English language is not a waste of time.

I study English because I can use my knowledge in real life. For example, if I go to England or another country, I can say "on an equal footing" with the locals. I learn this language because I want to read English and British writers in the original, e.g., Jack London, Ernest Hemingway, Charles Dickens, Sir Walter Scott and others. There are a lot of wonderful films in this language and I am sure I`ll understand them without any help if I continue learning language.

Today it is difficult to predict exactly how English can help me in our future life but at present, our country is becoming more open to international cooperation. If we want to use the world experience, to talk and negotiate with the people of different nationalities we should learn English.

After reading this work I hope you will immediately proceed to study or improve your English.

Thank you for attention.

04.02.2017 14:30

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