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Facts about Famous People

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Biographies and Short Facts about Famous People Discover interesting facts and short biographies of famous people. Short summaries with quick fact sheets about the influential men and famous women whose names we are all familiar with and facts about famous people including facts about celebrities and movie stars of recent times such as famous actors, actresses, singers and musicians.

Biographies and Short Facts about famous Authors Learn about the lives of the most famous English and American authors and poets with details of their most famous books and poetry.

Biographies and Short Facts about Rich People and Poor People Biographies and interesting facts about the successful rich people and the inspiring poor people who have also made an impact on our lives. Interesting facts and short biographies of famous people such as inventors and entrepreneurs, the men and women who became great scientists and mathematicians.

Источник здесь: http://www.facts-about.org.uk/

29.09.2017 19:40

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