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: Fly High 9 класс (базовый уровень).

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УРОК Предмет: Английский язык. Класс: Fly High 9 класс (базовый уровень). Учитель:Раимова Д.Х. Тема урока: “Applying for a job”. Цели урока: 1. Учебные: Тренировать в аудировании, чтении и устной речи. Научить писать заявление о приеме на работу и резюме. 2. Развивающие: Развивать способность к функционально - адекватному сочетанию лексических единиц и логическому изложению. 3. Познавательные: Познакомить с новым способом написания письма и составления резюме. 4. Воспитательные: Воспитывать уважительное отношение к другой культуре. Оборудование: Компьютер, экран, раздаточный материал. Ход урока. I. Организационный момент. Т:-Good morning, boys and girls! I am glad to see you. Today we shall read, speak as usual. We shall also write. What about? You`ll tell me yourselves a bit later. II. Речевая зарядка. Т:Answer my questions (Students` answers). - What would you like to be and why? - What would you hate to be and why? - What wouldn`t you mind being and why? III. Развитие навыков устной речи и повторение ранее изученного материала. (1слайд) Т: Look at the screen, read the text and say what it is. (An advertisement) - What would it be like to do this job? Choose the adjectives. - Which are positive? (Fascinating, adventurous, important) - Which are negative? (Tiring, boring, uncomfortable) (2 слайд) T: Look at the screen and say what you see there. (A letter) T: Ex 1. Read the letter and put the missing words in gasps 1 – 12. - Let`s check your answers. (3 слайд) - What kind of a letter is it? (A formal letter) - What is it about? (About applying for a job) T: Let`s revise the material about writing formal letters: - How do you start a formal letter? (“Dear Sir or Madam” if you don't know the person's name) - How do you end it?( “Yours faithfully” if you don't know the person's name) - Where do you put your address?( In the top right-hand corner) - Where do you put the address of the person you are writing to? (On the left, at a lower level than your address) - Where do you put the date? (Below your address or above the address of the person you are writing to.) - What are we going to write today? (A formal letter of applying for a job) - Open your exercise books and write the topic of the lesson. “Applying for a job” (Writing a letter of application) (4 слайд) IV. Обучение написанию письма. T: (5 слайд) On the right you can see an application letter. Read it and answer my questions: 1. Which job is he applying for? (A helper with the Antarctic Research Project) 2. Who is Adrian writing to? Does he know the person's name? (The Antarctic Research Project (probably the Director). He doesn't know the person's name) 3. Where and when did he see the advertisement? (The London Times on 18 August) 4. What experience does he have which is relevant to the job? (He has worked with animals in two veterinary practices. His scouting and rock climbing experience might also be useful) 5. Why does he want the job? Why would he be suitable? (He has always been fascinated by wildlife and would like to expand his knowledge) 6. Is he enclosing anything with this letter? (his Curriculum Vitae (CV) 7. How does he end the letter? (“Yours faithfully” because he doesn't know the person he is writing to) 8. What style is he using to write the letter? (formal (no short forms, etc.) T: Put the information in the correct order. (Ex. 2) (6 слайд) (Key: 4, 2, 1, 5, 3) T: Choose the correct preposition in each sentence. (Ex. 3) (7 слайд) (Key: 1 for; 2 as; 3 of; 4 of; 5 with; 6 for; 7 in; 8 by; 9 at; 10 to) Физкультминутка. T: Find 13 mistakes and rewrite the letter (Ex. 4) (8 слайд) - Check your answers. (9 слайд) - Now read the writing tip. (10 слайд) - While writing CV, for point 3, mention (for example, prefect, secretary of a school club or society). For point 4, mention voluntary as well as paid work. For point 5, make the interests specific, for example, “reading science fiction, not just reading. T: What do you see? (An advertisement) (11 слайд)Read it. - Look at the table and decide which job you want to apply for and make notes. (12 слайд) - Now read the plan of the letter. (13 слайд) V. Итоги. Домашняя работа. (14 слайд) T: Write your CV and a letter of application. You are going to apply for one of the jobs in this advertisement. Use the plan, the writing tip, Adrian`s letter and the CV on page 162 (ex23) in your text book as a model. (100-120 words) Использованные материалы: I. Интернет ресурсы: 1). Adelie penguins on bergy bit, Davis vicinity, Antarctica (Photo: Frederique Olivier, Australian Antarctic Division) penguins_antarctica.jpg australiangeographic.com.au 2). Большая часть украинцев, выживших во время крушения лайнера Costa Concordia и вернувшихся в Украину, едет в Одессу. http://www.ugorod.od.ua/news/2… II. Учебник:, Kathy Gude, Jayne Wildman, Danuta Gryca. “ Matrix Intermediate Student’s Book”. (Oxford University Press - 2001г.) III. Книга для учителя: Anne Conybeare, Kathy Gude, Jayne Wildman. “Matrix Intermediate Teacher’s Book”. (Oxford University Press - 2001г.)
03.04.2015 05:10

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