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History of Ingushetia

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the oldestreferences to the ethnic Ingushs and ethnic Chechens are found in Greek,Arabic,Armenian and Georgian manuscripts.Ever since the 2nd millennium B.C.,the Ingushs and the Chechens were both known.They have come to introduce themselves as Veinakh and make up a closely - knit ethnic community.In the Middle ages the Ingushwere primarily a people of the high mountains. In the Middle Ages some people moved from the highlands to the lowlands,clearing forests and founding villages.Migration and the cultural importance of the lowlands increased in the 17th to the 19th centuries.By the time of the first Russian historical records,in the 17th century,the prese Ingush lowlands were Ingusg-speaking.This period of economic harddhip coincidedwith the Russian conquest of the Caucasus which lasted from the late 16th centuryto the middle of the 19th ctntury.Ingushetia joined the Russian Empire in 1810.Centuries upon centuries of common interests turned the Chechens and the Ingushs into a closely - knit comunity.In 1936 they formed a Chechen - Ingush Autonomous Republic.The Suprime Soviet of the Russian Federation passed f bill on the formation of an INgush Republic of the Federation on June 4,1992.

13.10.2021 21:14

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