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How to speak English more fluently?

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Nowadays there is no denying that the better you speak English the more opportunities for your future career you have. Here some tips how to speak English more fluently.

1).Use Idioms. Using idioms is a sign that you understand and value the beauty of the language. English is rich in idioms and native speakers love to pepper their speech with these colorful expressions.

2). Expand your vocabulary. There are a lot of ways to work with the words. Learn synonyms. The more varied your word choice, the more fluent you will sound.

3).Know the culture. Fluent language skills go hand-in-hand with fluent cultural ones. Language is intricately linked to culture and fluency is marked by the ability to reference cultural things like slang, idioms, popular shows, music, movies, and literature in conversation.

4). Work on your accent and pronunciation actively and consciously. One of the most effective ways to do this is to imitate how others speak.

5). Start thinking in English. An effective exercise to stop translating words in your head is to associate new words with images, not with words in your native language.

6) Watch your favourite movies and serials in English. It is an effective and pleasant way to improve your English level.

Start improving your English today! Good luck!

14.12.2022 22:23

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