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I am a fututre teacher of English!

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Teaching children is not a profession, but a mission, a vocation.This profession has long been considered as one of the most respected, noble, necessary and important. Personally, I`ve chosen this profession when I was at the 9th grade.l think that my wonderful teachers played a significant role in my choice.Any teacher should develop in the students those qualities that will help them in further life. The teacher invests in students knowledge, skills, shapes their inner world, teaches to appreciate and understand the true beauty. The teacher's goal is to make the students become outstanding doctors, engineers and inventors. That's why I want to become a teacher. After all, educating the future generation is a great reward for me.After some years I see myself as a young teacher, gaining experience.The main thing is to see and reveal the potential of the child, and in what school it is already a formality. I think that I will be able to find an approach to every child, which will increase interest in learning and their performance.

At this stage, my goal is to successfully graduate from the university and develop the qualities that I will need in the future. Also, I really want to pay attention to practice, in addition to studying, for obtaining professional skills, which I plan to do when studying at the university.We should remember that the teacher is one of the most important person in our life and, as R.U. Emerson said: "A teacher is a person who can make difficult things easy".I understand that the future of my students will depend on my efforts.I will try to do all me best to inspire and motivate them!I am proud of my future profession and I am happy about it!

04.03.2018 21:46

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