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IELTS Test Guide 2020: Tips to Score Band 9 in the Listening Test

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The IELTS test is a renowned English language proficiency test required to study abroad in an English speaking nation. Thousands of candidates appear in the IELTS exam to secure a place in their choice of institution for their further studies. Countries like the US, UK, Australia, New Zealand, Canada. The IELTS test scores are mandatory as they are the vital factor that influences your admission. Considering the fact that the IELTS comes up with four different skill tests, prep institutes like IELTS Singapore are offering courses at the best price.

Just in case you don't know, then you should remember that there are two types of IELTS tests. The first one is the Academic Test, while the other one is the General Training Test. These two tests have their importance. The academic test is for the candidates looking to study abroad. Whereas, the General Training test is for the candidates with the immigration purpose.

The IELTS exam comprises four different sections that test your reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills of the English language. All the parts are equally important, but we got lots of requests regarding the listening test. So, in this article, we are going to discuss tips that might be handy for you to ace the IELTS listening test.

IELTS Listening Test Tips

What if I tell you that scoring band 9 is possible in the listening test of the IELTS test Singapore? I am serious and not kidding. However, there are things that you have to do before you head towards taking the IELTS exam Singapore. Here are the top tips to follow so that you can score the desired score.

Tip #1 Improve your listening skills

The very first thing that you should take care of is improving your listening skills. You have to practice listening to the practice recordings offered by the IELTS preparation classes. They not only help you with the listening skills but help you improve listening to different accents. Additionally, you can listen to the BBC (British Broadcasting Channel), watch English TV shows, listen to podcasts, and many other things. The main motive should be to improve listening skills at any cost.

Tip #2 Work on your vocabulary

Knowledge of different words is very beneficial for the IELTS test. The listening section is all about having an advanced vocabulary. Don't you think you should learn a range of new words before entering your college/university life? Learning day by day with the help of various dictionaries like Oxford, Merrian Webster helps you. Experts who run different classes related to the IELTS exam Singapore also suggest the same.

Tip #3 Don’t Lose Your Attention

Losing attention means harming your score in the IELTS test; it's as simple as that. Remember, you are going to listen to the audio; only once, which means you have to focus on it carefully. In case you break the attention, you might miss on to hear some sentences/words that you need. Ultimately, it will be a bad experience for you in the listening section of the IELTS test Singapore. Suddenly, you will start to feel that IELTS preparation is going into vain sitting on the test.

As you know, in the listening test, you have to read, write, and listen simultaneously. Thus, you have to start practicing paying attention to the recording samples during the IELTS preparation journey.

Tip #4 Don’t write answers too quickly

Sometimes, you may come across a conversation where the speaker corrects the other person speaking in the recording. In that case, you have to be very careful. Most of the students get trapped; as they rush to answer before listening to it properly. It is a trap set up by the IELTS exam committee to test your focus. Thus, avoid writing the answers in a hurry.

Tip #5 Avoid silly mistakes

To help you overcome silly mistakes, you get 30 seconds to check your answers after every section in the IELTS exam Singapore. Candidates often miss on spellings, plurals, and different word forms. These mistakes can cost you lots of marks. Thus, to avoid them, make a habit of checking your answers as soon as you finish a section in the IELTS test Singapore.

Tip #6 Never leave your answers blank

Remember, you are not going to get negative marking if you answer incorrectly. Thus, experts in the IELTS exam suggest answering every question. For questions that you’re unaware of, make sure you try answering by the elimination process. Previous IELTS test-takers often tell that this is the easiest way to hit the bull's eye.

Concluding, we can say that with a better preparation strategy and by following expert tips, it is possible to score band 9 in the listening test of the IELTS exam Singapore. That's it for now. We will come up with another blog where we will discuss overall IELTS preparation.

05.10.2020 16:54

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