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Исследовательская работа о сохранении памятников культуры в Великобритании и России

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Protection of ancient monuments

( Stonehenge, the dolmens).

There are mysterious ancient monuments on our planet. They are studied by historians and archaeologists, but many questions and discussions are still about it.

Stonehenge is a famous archaeological monument in UK. And this is the biggest mystery in Europe. Stonehenge is 130 kilometers from London, in Wiltshire. Stonehenge consists of 82 large stone slabs, arranged in a circle, the height of the stones is 9 meters. The weight of each stone is about five tons. Stonehenge was built many years, the first stones were brought here about 5 000 years ago. Scientists around the world are trying to give answers to the questions: how was Stonehenge built, who did build it, what was it built for? There are many different hypotheses: that it was an ancient temple, or a landing pad for alien ships, or it was an ancient astronomical Observatory. Every year on 21 June many people from different countries come to Stonehenge to celebrate the longest day of the year.

There are a mysterious ancient monuments in Russia, in the Caucasus. These structures are made of stones. These structures are called dolmens. They were built 3000 years ago. They look like a big stone table or a box with a door. In the Caucasus found about 2000 dolmens. There is a hole in the door. Scientists do not know what they were built for.

Now scientists argue about Stonehenge and dolmens in Russia, but I think they will find the exact solution to this mystery after many years.

Many ancient monuments are destroyed and disappear. People need to protect them from destruction and restore, because the ancient monuments help us learn the ancient history of the world and the history of many countries.

The survey included 50 men and they were asked 3 questions: first - what are Stonehenge and dolmens and where are it, second – how did people use Stonehenge and dolmens, third – do we need to protect ancient monuments from the destruction or not?

Most of the respondents know that Stonehenge is in the UK, and that dolmens are in the Russia but would like to learn more about its purpose. All respondents believe that the monuments need to be protected and restored.

19.11.2017 12:23

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