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Magazines for teens - online!

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Check out these online magazines! Find your favourites and visit the sites regularly to see what is new.

Print versions are also available at the Library or at your local bookstore.


Especially for Girls:

  • GL (formerly Girls' Life): from guys to entertainment to health and fitness, girls will love this magazine
  • J-14 Magazine: quizzes, polls, celebrity news and more
  • Seventeen: fashion, beauty, health and fitness for older teen girls
  • Teen Vogue: fashion-focused with blogs, videos, quizzes and more

Music and Entertainment:

  • Faze Magazine: Canada's magazine for teens with reviews, blogs, interviews and articles about entertaining, gaming, style, sports, fitness and more
  • Twist: teen gossip, celebrities, fashion, quizzes and more
  • Spin Magazine: reviews, news, photos and videos about today's music scene
  • Rolling Stone Magazine: classic and influential magazine featuring music, album and artist news, movie reviews and more
  • Scene Magazine: London's arts, entertainment and news magazine



  • Mad: the ultimate comic book and parody magazine


  • PC Gamer: news, previews, reviews, free trials, podcasts, forums and lots more about PC gaming
  • GamePro: news, videos, reviews, trailers and info for X-Box, PS3, Wii, PC and mobile games
02.12.2017 23:16

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