Благодаря готовым учебным материалам для работы в классе и дистанционно

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Организационный момент

Проверка знаний

Объяснение материала

Закрепление изученного

Итоги урока

Неаутентичная речь учителя на уроке

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неаутентичная речь учителя на уроке

(ошибочный вариант)

аутентичная речь учителя на уроке

(рекомендуемый эквивалент)

Repeat it again.

Say it again (repeat it).

Pronounce after me in chorus.

Repeat after me in unison  (all together).

Go on reading. (Read further.)

Go on. (Come on, read. Go on with your story).

Gather your note- books.

Pick up all your exercise books. (Bring me your exercise books.)

Don't be in a hurry.

Don't hurry. (Don't rush. There is no need to hurry.)

It'll be a control reading.

Today we'll have a reading test. (I'll ask you for a

control reading.)

Begin from the very beginning.

Start from (right from) the very beginning.

Today we'll take the new words.

We'll study (learn) some new words.

Train reading aloud at home.

Practise reading aloud at home.

Mind the words.

Be careful with these words. (Pay attention to these (the following) words).

Listen to me very attentively.

Listen carefully. (Pay attention. Listen carefully to what I’m going to say).

Listen to your marks.

Here are your marks.

Now you will write a dictation.

Now I’ll give (I’m going to give) you a dictation.

(Now you will do a dictation).

Retell the text.

Tell the story.

Compose a dialogue based on that model.

Make up (think up) a dialogue based on the given example.

say “That’s right” or “That’s not right”.

Say whether this is right or not.

Dramatize the dialogue.

Act out the dialogue.

Illustrate the proverb (word, phrase).

Try to use the proverb (word, phrase) in a situation of your own.

ask me questions for more information.

Ask me questions if you need (want) any more information.

Prove that…

Confirm what I am going to say.

Make up a story how you spent your last summer holidays. Neither short nor long.

Make up a story about how you spent your last summer holidays. Not too short and not to long.

Make up a true story of 5-10 sentences.

Make up (think of) a true story and tell it to us in 5-10 sentences.

Your mark is 4.

You’ve got 4.

I give you 2.

I’m going to give you 2.

Correct yourself.

Correct your mistake. Can you see when you’ve made a mistake?

You made many mistakes.

You’ve made a lot of mistakes.

What is not clear?

Is everything clear? What don’t you understand?

What is it?

What does it mean? (What’s the meaning of it? What do you think it means?)

Are there any questions to me?

Have you got any questions? (Any questions?)

Get ready to the lesson.

Get ready for the lesson.

Let’s revise this sound.

Let’s work again on this sound. (Let’s do some more work on this sound).

I want you to listen how I pronounce this sound.

Now I want you to listen to how I pronounce this sound.

You must train this sound at home.

You must practice this sound at home.

How do you think?

What do you think?

Why are you silent?

Why don’t you answer? (Почему ты не отвечаешь?)

Do you realize your mistake?

Do you/ can you see your mistake?

I want you to finish the work till Monday.

I want you to finish the work by Monday.

I don’t hear.

Louder, please. I can’t hear.

At first, read the title.

Read the title first, will you?

Try to do it alone.

Try and do your homework by yourself/ on your own. (Постарайтесь сделать это задание самостоятельно).



29.12.2014 18:48

Рекомендуем курсы ПК и ППК для учителей

Вебинар для учителей

Свидетельство об участии БЕСПЛАТНО!