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Организационный момент

Проверка знаний

Объяснение материала

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Открытый урок по английскому языку “Speaking about famous and successful people”

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Тип урока: Урок применения знаний и умений

Педагогические технологии: Обучение в сотрудничестве,деятельностный

подход,технология развития критического мышления,использование ИКТ

при обучении английскому языку,проектная методика.

Цели урока:


- совершенствовать лингвистическую и речевую компетенцию во всех видах речевой

деятельности путем обобщения единичных знаний по теме в системе;

- соверщенствование языковой компетенции (систематизация ранее изученного материала)


- развивать языковые,интеллектуальные и познавательные способности учеников;

-развивать воображение при моделировании ситуаций общения;

-развивать творческий потенциал и самостоятельность при выполнении проектной работы.


- воспитание культуры и потребности в практическом использовании языка в различных сферах жизни;

- формирование положительного отношения к учебной деятельности,окружающим людям.


-совершенствование лексических навыков;

-совершенствование навыков аудирования;

-совершенствование навыков ознакомительного чтения;

-совершенствование навыков монологической речи с наглядной опорой;

-совершенствование навыков выполнения задания с элементами моделирования.

Речевой материал:

-лексический и грамматический материал учебника по английскому языку для 9 класса “HappyEnglish.ru” К.И.Кауфман,М.Ю.Кауфман.

Средства обучения:

-компьютер,мультимедийный проектор,раздаточный материал


- 9 класс

Ход урока

1.Организационный момент.

Good moorning.Iam glad to see you.

How are you? (the students answer the questions)

Well,I see you are in a good mood.

Now look at the screen,please and be attentive.

Определение темы урока

СЛАЙД 2 просмотр видеофрагмента о музее Мадам Тюссо

Введение в ситуацию общения.Определение темы урока

Well,now answer my question please.

1)How do you think what this film is about?

2)What is your opinion?


3)What or whom can we see in Madam T.museum?


Teacher: Yes of course.In this museum we can see wax figures of famous people.Such as writers,painters,scientists,musicians,politicians,sports-

men,film stars and so on.

So can you name the theme of our lesson?


You are right,the theme of our lesson is “Talking about famous and successful people.”


There are a lot of famous people in the word and we’ll speak some of them at our lesson.

СЛАЙД4( Today at the lesson)


Now look at the screen please.Here you can see the portraits of well-known people.All of them made our life interesting and beautiful.


What is your opinion,can people change our life on the planet?

Who improved our life? (Presidents,doctors,musicians,poets,dancers,writers and so on.)

So who are these people?

What are they famous for?(For your answers you may use cultural guide if necessary.Its on your desks.(yellow card)

Listen to me f.e.The portrait under the letter a) is an English writer,actress,journalist.She is famous for her novels about magical nanny M.Poppins.(Now its your turn)



Theacher: Take your green cards.We’ll do an exercise and check up

how well do you know famous people.Write down on your cards.(уч.выполн.заданиенакарточках) If you’re ready let us check up your answers.

СЛАЙД 7 РЕФЛЕКСИЯ (СМАЙЛИКИ)учащиеся оценивают свою работу на уроке


Teacher: As you see the most of these people are writers.And I want to remind you that this year 2015 is proclaimed “The year of Literature”.So I have a question to you.Do you like to read books? ответыуч-ся.

Teacher:Now we’ll read the text about a famous English writer.I am sure you like her works.


Работа с текстом (чтение с извлечением конкретной информации)

Prepare yourwhite cards (чит.поцепочке) Very good


All right.Now you will take a statement one by one,read it and then say T,F,NI in the text.

Well, begin.(уч-ся вытягивают карточки розовые читают и отвечают)


How do you think what character trades you should have for your success.(выполн.упр.)


Teacher: Look at the screen please (отрывокфильмаГ.Поттер)

So can you name the most famous book written by Joanne Rowling? Ответыуч-ся

Teacher: Yes she wrote series of books about Harry Potter.

1) Have you read about H. Potter or watched film about him? 2) Can you tell me what genre is this book?


Уч-ся называют жанр учащиеся называют жанр книги о Г.Поттере


Ex.3 p.166 на 5 вопрос СЛАЙД 14

Уч-ся называют заголовки книг о Г.Поттере

Teacher: Read ( Russian abstract )


The head master of Hogwarts school Albus Dumbledore said these wise words “To be Human…”


As in Hogwarts school you will have to take an exam today?

And as you remember there was a Magic Hat. I have a M.Hat too !(прием”Magic hat”)

Prepare your white cards.

Let us do ex.3 p.167 (read the task)учащиесячитаютутверждениеиотвечаютпередаваяшляпу

Very good you’ve passed your exam

Слайд17 фрoнтальнаяработа

You can see two portraits,two characters.( Harry Potter and D.Malfoy)

Let’s characterise them. Think a little.

Areyouready?ответы учащихся

Слайд 18 смайлики (этап рефлексии)

Слайд19 физминуткаWell, it’s time to have a rest.

Stand up,please and repeat after me. СтихWithout

Слайд20 ГЕРБYou can see Hogward’s coat of arms And it’s the motto of Hogward’s school

So what do you think can this words be the motto of your class,our school and our country.Can you tell me? Use these words (см.надоске)so what do you think can these words be the motto of our school and country and your class


Look here, H.Potter’s snich comes to us. Take snich and pass it to your classmate saying pleasant words.

Прием“ Magic book”

I have one more present for you from H.Potter

It’s a Magic Book with predictions.

(Each of you will take only one prediction but don’t read it.)


Teacher takes prediction. ‘’You are the wizards of your life and your happiness is in your hands


Your hometask will be the next. You must

Prepare Project work.(An Album of Famous people)

It’s a cover of the Album. I am giving you pages

and you must write about a famous person.

Here is the plan.


What is he/she famous for?



Do you know what means cinquain.

Let’s make a cinquain with the word (student)




Student should do homework



Слайд25 Рефлексия

And now you can see 2 hats….

I would like to finish our lesson.

You have done a good job.All of you are stars today. Yourmarksareexcellent.

Какими вы будете людьми оценки вам поставит жизнь, а сегодня вы старались как могли.

Smile is the same in all languages.

Stand up please and smile each other.

Clap your hands. Thank you.Good bye!

06.02.2021 01:24

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