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Peer - assessment of a business cards' poster

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Hello everybody! Recently a competetion among all the groups have taken place in our faculty of Foreign Languages : different posters full of interesting business cards and leaflets were put on display. Our students did their best to present their business cards in a very attractive and creative way. The task for me is to evaluate the poster made by 32 ER group:

Here I used some criteria. They are: releventness, usage of colours, content, additional information, plagiarism, grammar errors, design. In my opinion, this work suits all requirements. I like the creative way they chose to organise their poster. While walking by, my attention was attracted by the colours of this wallpaper and taking a closer look at it I was not dissapointed. From the point of content there is no unnecessary information, only short and understandable articles about each member of the group. The information was presented in a creative way and for those who were interested it contained some additional facts about the student. Also there is no grammar mistakes. Overall, I can say that's an example of a good work. Well done!


04.03.2018 19:06

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