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Итоги урока

План урока. Тема: special occasions. Подтема: The big day!

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План урока

Выполнен на основе УМК по английскому языку "Solutions Elementary 2nd edition"

Тема: special occasions

Подтема: The big day!

Цели урока:


- учащиеся смогут понять общее содержание текста для чтения;

- найти и прочитать вслух необходимую информацию;

- высказать собственное мнение, обсудить с партнёром.


- расширение словарного запаса;

- расширение общего кругозора.


- развитие языковой и речевой догадки;

- развитие памяти, мышления, воображения.


- воспитание внимательности, самостоятельности.

Языковой материал:

Для повторения: Фонемы: [ ŋ ] [n].

Новый: wedding, venue, bride, groom, champagne, ride, reception, ceremony, Cinderella, roller coaster ride, lodge.

Оснащение фрагмента урока: компьютерная презентация, учебник.

Ход урока

I. Подготовка учащихся к иноязычной речевой деятельности

1) Приветствие.

Т: Good morning, children! I am glad to see you.

Cl: Good morning!

Т: Sit down, please. Who’s on duty today?

PL: I’m on duty today.

T: Good. What date is it today?

Pl: Today is November, 5.

T: What day is it today?

Pl: Today is Monday.

T: Who’s absent today?


T: Thank you very much, sit down please.

2. Сообщение целей урока.

T: Today we continue speaking about special occasions. We will read a text about weddings.

3. Фонетическая зарядка.

1) Презентация материала.

T: But at first let’s read a tongue-twister? Do you remember what it is? A tongue-twister means скороговорка. Let’s try to read this one.

Oh, swing the king and swing the queen,

Oh, swing the king and swing the queen,

Oh, swing ’em round and round the green.

Oh, swing ’em round the green.

2) Контроль понимания.

T: Ok guys, do you understand what it is about? What is “swing”? (прием семантизации – иллюстративная наглядность)

T: Do you understand the tongue-twister better now?

P1,2: Yes.

4) Фонетическая отработка материала в последовательности звук-слово.

T: Pay attention to the sounds [n] and [ŋ]. Pronounce them distinctly after me (T-C):

[ŋ] : swing, king.

[n]: queen, green.

5) Фонетическая и интонационная отработка скороговорки в хоровом и индивидуальном режимах.

T: Now read the tongue twister after me line by line.

…the queen

… swing the queen

… king and swing the queen

… swing the king and swing the queen

… the green

… round and round the green

… swing them round and round the green

Oh, swing the king and swing the queen,

Oh, swing the king and swing the queen,

Oh, swing ’em round and round the green.

Oh, swing ’em round the green.

T: Now I will ask somebody to read it for the class. Sasha, read, please.

P 1,2,3:

Oh, swing the king and swing the queen,

Oh, swing the king and swing the queen,

Oh, swing ’em round and round the green.

Oh, swing ’em round the green.

T: Good. Let us open the classbook.

Отведенное время: 7 минут.

II. Отработка ранее введенного языкового материала и овладение ВРД.

  1. Обучение изучающему чтению.

T: ОЗУ: Let us open the classbooks at page 42.

  1. Вводная беседа с учащимися.

T: Look at the text on page 42. Read the title.

P1: the big day.

T: what is the big day?

P: it’s wedding.

T: yes, you are right. Why is wedding the big day?

P: It’s very important for a person. It’s a big step in life. Your future depends on it.

T: that’s right. So, It’s clear that everybody wants to celebrate it in a special way.

  1. Развитие механизма антиципации.

T: look at the pictures at page 42 and try to guess where the characters are going to celebrate their weddings.

Look at the first picture. What can you see?

P: a castle. The characters are going to marry in a castle.

T: We’ll see it. What can you see on the second picture?

P: a room under the water. The characters are going to marry under the water.

T: that’s right. What can you see on the third picture?

P: the characters are above a city. They are marring in a high building.

T: We’ll see it. What can you see on the forth picture?

P: they are marring in a white church or in a white hotel.

T: good guess.

Отведенное время: 7 минут.

  1. Снятие трудностей.

T: before reading the text pay attention to the words: venue, bride, groom, champagne, ride, reception, ceremony, Cinderella, roller coaster ride, lodge. (Приемы семантизации – иллюстративная наглядность, перевод, синонимы). Write it down.

Отведенное время: 4 минуты.

  1. Чтение текста с заданием на общее понимание прочитанного.

T: Now read the text and match paragraphs A-D with these pictures.

T: so, the paragraph A.

P1: picture 3.

P2: B – 4

P3: c – 2

P4: d -1

T: great.

Отведенное время: 7 минут.

  1. Контроль задания на общее понимание почитанного.

T: exercise 3. Read the task. Let’s do it.

T: so, what sentence is for paragraph A?

P1: sentence 4.

P2: B – 3

P3: c – 1

P4: d -5

T: great.

Отведенное время: 3 минуты.

  1. Повторное чтение текста для его детального понимания.

T: now exercise 4. Read the text again and say if it is true or false.

P1: the first is false. The characters get married at the top of the ride.

P2: number 2 is false. The London Eye is a great place for a wedding with twenty guests.

P3: number 3 it true.

P4: number 4 is false. You can get married at the Ice hotel only in the winter.

P5: number 5 is false. You dive to the hotel in the Jules’ Undersea Lodge.

P6: number 6 is true.

T: Good of you.

Отведенное время: 8 минут.

  1. Упражнения на проверку понимания и интерпретацию прочитанного.

Упражнение на развитие языковой догадки

T: look at exercise 5. Read the task, please. Is the task clear? Are the definitions clear?

P: yes.

T: so, who is the man on the day of his wedding?

P1: He is a groom.

T: right, next.

P2: a big important party is a reception.

P3: a place for a wedding is a venue.

P4: people you invite are guests.

P5: the woman on the day of her wedding is a bride.

P6: the part of a wedding when the man and woman get married is a ceremony.

T: Well done!

9. Now look at exercise 6. Read the task in ex. 6. Is it clear what are you to do? Let’s read the adjective that will help you.

P: beautiful, exciting, fun, interesting, romantic, unusual.

ОЗУ: So, get down to work. I`m going to listen to your speaking.

T: Ok, guys. All your opinions are very interesting.

Отведенное время: 10 минут.

III. Заключительный этап.

T: Thank you, guys, for your work today.

1. Итог

Т: Today we have read about unusual venues for celebrations.

2. Домашняя работа

Т: At home I want you to think of a perfect venue for your wedding or your birthday or your school leaving party and any celebrations. You should write a small monologue (8-10 sentences). Look at exercise 7. Here you can see the points that should be mentioned in your monologues.

3. Организованный конец урока

Т: Class, stand up, please. Thank you for your work, good bye!

Cl: Good bye!

12.11.2017 14:37

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