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The British Royal Family.

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28/09/14   Тема урока: The British Royal Family.                                        10 form       Цели:  Образовательные: получение новой информации и расширение кругозора учащихся, закрепление лингвострановедческих знаний.  Развивающие: формирование лексической и социальной компетенции, развитие познавательного интереса учащихся.  Воспитательные: Привитие чувства уважения к традициям и культуре других стран и народов.  Оборудование урока: Интерактивная доска, магнитофон.                                                                    Ход урока Организационный момент.  Welcome to our lesson!  The theme of our lesson is “Monarchy. The British Royal Family.”  (на интерактивной доске появляются тема, флаг и корона монархии Соединенного Королевства Великобритании и Северной Ирландии)  Before starting our lesson we’ve collected a lot of interesting information and today we are going to present you the British Royal Family.  The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland has a very long history, its own traditions, customs and culture. In Britain traditions play a very important role in the life of people mostly because the British are very conservative. They are very proud of their traditions and customs and keep them carefully. Keeping the Monarchy is one of them.  2 .Warming-up  (отработка произношений слов по теме, на интерактивной доске появляются слова)  The United Kingdom     Monarchy    Monarch                Parliamentary monarchy              Queen  Queen Elizabeth the Second Duke of Edinburgh              Prince of Wales     executive    charity  royal   coronation   inherit from   commonwealth  engage   engagement   accession to the throne  heir presumptive  patron  chapel \counsellor   Buckingham Palace  Windsor Castle  Hollyroodhouse Palace  Balmoral Castle  Sandringham Palace  3. The history of English Monarchy.  Let's begin with the history of British Monarchy.  4. Queen Elizabeth II  Second Pupil:  (на интерактивной доске появляются слайды с фотографиями королевы)  5. Prince Philip, the Queen's husband.  (на интерактивной доске появляются слайды с фотографиями Принца Филиппа)  6. The Queen's children  Teacher:  How many children does the Queen have?  Do you know them?  Let's play the game "Guess the Hero."  ( Класс делится на две команды . Команды воспринимают на слух мини –тексты и определяют их главных героев. На обдумывание ответов дается 30 секунд. За правильный ответ -1 балл )  Text 1  He is one of the members of the Royal Family. He is the youngest among the brothers. He studied at Cambridge University. He worked as a school teacher and as an actor at the theatre. Also he was an officer. His name is...(Prince Edward.)  Text 2  She is one of the members of the Royal Family. She finished Beneden School in Kent. She is the hardest working member of the family. She made an excellent sports career. In recent years she has become quite popular with public. She doesn't wear expensive dresses but she always looks very elegant. She is...(Princess Anne)  Text 3  He is one of the members of the Royal Family. He was born in 1948. He is interested in many things: architecture, environment, history, alternative medicine, and farming. His favorite sport is polo. He is well known as a keen promoter of British interests. He has got two children. He is...(Charles, the Prince of Wales.)  Text 4  He is one of the members of the Royal Family. He is very good at sport. In 1980 he joined the Royal Navy and became a "Sea King" helicopter pilot. He is interested in photography. He speaks French and German. In 1986 he married Miss Sarah Ferguson and has got two daughters. He is...(Prince Andrew, the Duke of York.)  So, the game is over.  ( подводятся итоги игры ,определяется команда- победитель. на интерактивной доске появляются слайды с фотографиями детей королева )  a) Prince Charles      b) Princess Anne               c) Prince Andrew                              d) Prince Edward  So, the Queen has got four children and eight grandchildren.  7. Royal Residences  (на интерактивной доске появляются слайды с королевской резиденции)  a) Buckingham Palace          b) Windsor Castle            c) Balmoral Castle  d) Hollyroodhouse Palace    e) Sandringham House  The pupil tells the class about the Royal Residences.  8. Quiz  (ответы на вопросы ,взаимопроверка, выставление оценок)  1. What kind of state is United Kingdom?  2. Who is the Head of the UK of Great Britain and Northern Ireland?  3. When did Princess Elizabeth come to the throne?  4. When and where did her coronation take place?  5. Where was the Queen educated?  6. Who is the Queen's husband and what is his title?  7. When where did the Queen and Prince Philip get married?  8. How many children and grandchildren does the Royal couple have?  9. How many official residences does the Queen have?  10. Who is the Queen's heir to the throne?  Answers:  1. The Parliamentary monarchy    2. Queen Elizabeth   3. 1952            4. in June 1953, in Westminster Abbey  5. At home with her younger sister Margaret                           6. Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh  7. In 1947, Westminster Abbey         8. Four children and eight grandchildren        9. Five 10. Prince Charles  10. Подведение итогов урока, выставление оценок  11. Домашнее задание

08.01.2015 14:24

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