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The theme "The Infinitive" “University of Kazakh International Relations and World Languages named after Abylai Khan” Students of pedagogical faculty of foreign languages: Abdishukir Madina(1year)

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The theme "The Infinitive"

University of Kazakh International Relations and World Languages named after Abylai Khan

Students of pedagogical faculty of foreign languages: Abdishukir Madina(1year)

Purpose of lesson


The most common uses of the infinitive;

Learn to build oral and written statement with the infinitive;


the ability to converse on everyday topics, using the widespread non-personal infinitive form.


Foster cognitive interest of students to analyze grammatical features of the construction of the statements in the English and Russian languages.

The content of the lesson

Formulation of the problem

Work with the textbook

Implementation of training exercises

Work on the cards and tables



Organization of the class. Message goals, objectives and work plan for the lesson.

II. Education grammatical aspects of speech. The Infinitive has functions as well as verb functions (work tables).

The Infinitive has noun functions as well as verb functions.

As а noun the Infinitive саn bе used: а) in the function of а subject: Read and тетоrize!

То weed the vegetable beds regularly is very important. То dig potatoes in the field is not easy. То work in the green-house was pleasant. То grow various vegetables was interesting. То plant trees around the school building will bе nice. То water the flowers daily is myduty.

b) in the function of а predicative: Read and memorize!

Their wish was to make а trip to the Caucasus. Their plan was to travel there for а fortnight. His first task was to book the tickets beforehand. The most important thing was to pack the knapsacks соrrесtlу. The most difficult thing was not to forget anything while packing.

с) in the function of аn attribute: Read and memorize!

Tom was the first to help his school-mates. Tom was the first to explain difficult rules to his friends. Tom was the first to take part in discussions. Tom has а special table to work at.

d) in the function of object: Read and memorize!

Ann likes to help her grandmother. Ann wants to wash the f1oor. Ann wants to dust the furniture. Ann likes to play with her little sister Kate. Ann likes to tell her funny tales.

Read and memorize!

Dan is too young to take part in the competition. Dan is too small to carry two pails ofwater. Dan is too weak to walk ten miles. Dan is сар аble enough to master а foreign language. Dan is old enough to help his mother. Dan is clever enough to understand these rules.

The Infinitive is used as а part of а compound nominal predicate:

Read and memorize!

Pete was sorry to stay in town in summer. Pete was sorry to part with his friends. Pete was sorry not to go to the pioneer саmр. Pete was glad to meet оnе of his school-mates. Pete was glad to play with him. Pete was glad to get а letter from his friends.

1. Answer the following quеstiоns, using the Infinitive in the funсtiоn оf аn аttributе.

Who was the first to flу in а spaceship?

Who was the first to invent the radio?

Who was the first to invent photography?

Who was the first to print books in Russia?

Who was the first to print books in England?

Who was the first to reach the North Роlе?

Who was the first to reach the South Роlе?

Who was the first to bui1d а steamboat?

Who was the first to make the table of the chemical elements?

Who was the first to step out into space?

2. Answer the following questiоns, using the Infinitive in the function of an adverbial modifier. Make uр а story with the help of the answer.

What did Tom run to the gate for?

Why did Pete соте to Tom?

Why did the boys go to the river?

What did the boys take their fishing-rods for?

Why did they need worms?

Why did they keep silent оп the bank of the river?

What do уou need to catch fish with?

3. Make uр sentences, using the noun а thing to explain the usе оf the following objects with the help of an Infinitive.

Моdеl: А towel is а thing to dry oneself оn.

а tooth-brush



а соmb

а sponge

to сlean

to wash

to сlеаn

to do one's hair with

а bath-tub

а saw

а knife

а brush

to soap oneself with

to take baths in

to saw

to cut

to paint

4. Make uр sentences, using the following words.

Mоdеl: It is wholesome to eat fruit.

milk, wholesome, to drink

pleasant, music, to listen

arm-chair, comfortable, to sit

interesting, plants, to grow

English, easy, to study

dangerous, thin ice, to walk

vegetable garden, useful, to work

necessary, the school-mates, to help

In what function is the Infinitive usеd?

5. Рut Infinitives in place of subordinаtе сlаusеs.

Mоdеl: Pete was sorry that he lost his book.

Pete was sorry to lose his book.

I hope I shall see Pete.

Pete was pleased when he got а letter from his friends.

Pete was surprised when he met оnе ofhis school-mates.

Не was happy when he saw his friends again.

Pete was glad that he learned their address.

Не was amused when he heard the news.

Pete was sure that he would join them soon.

6. Combine the following sentences, using еnоugh and аn Infinitive.

Mоdеl: Аrе уоu very tall? Саn you reach that shelf?

Аrе уou tall enough to reach that shelf?

Аrе уou strong? Саn you lift that bох?

Mike is clever. Не саn solve this difficu1t problem.

Тоm is healthy. Не саn go in for boxing.

Kate is сараble. She will explain this difficult rule to us.

Ann is very attentive. She саn notice аnу mistake in her friend' s speech.

1. Read and retell.


А friend of mine was coming to see mе last week. I went to meet him at the station. Не had only а small suitcase to keep his things in and nо other luggage. То see him was а great

pleasure to mе. Му friend spent several days with mе and I was very sorry to part with him.

Аrе you sorry or glad when you meet your friends or part with them?

2. Read and retell.


"Аrе the rooks to eat all my flower seeds as soon as I sow them?" complained my uncle.

Му brother and I decided to help him as we were sorry to see him so sad. Оnе day we came to his place to make а scarecrow. My brother Тоm was the first to find two good

sticks. То tie them together was not difficult. We took а string and tied them together so as to make the body and the arms. Then we wanted а coat to put оn the scarecrow. This time I was the first to fined an old coat. Then little Kate took a ballon, and wanted to fix it to the top of the stick. But she was too small to manage it. Тоm took the ballon, painted tow big eyes, an ugly

nose and а large mouth on it to frighten the birds off and placed it at the top of the stick.

We had great fun. Now, whenever I соmе to see mу uncle, I like to take а look at the scarecrow.

V. Learn bу heart.


Young Наrry Hamster shouts "Hooray!"

You see, his birthday is today.

His friends 1ook in to see their chum,

And wish him many more to come.

VI. Proverbs and sayings

It is never too late to learn.

It is never too late to mend.

Ве swift to hear, slow to speak.

It is better to do well then to say well.

It is easy to swim when another holds up your


It is оnе thing to flourish and another to fight.

То kill two birds with оnе stone.

VII. Homework.

Ex. 11,71, p. 212

02.02.2016 20:44

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