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To chat somebody up

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To chat somebody up - to talk to smb in a friendly way because you are attracted to them (Заговорить с кем-либо).

Hello everybody! Here are a few examples of how the idiomatic expression "to chat somebody up" can be used in different contexts: ⚡️ "At the bar, she noticed a guy trying to chat her up, but she wasn't interested." ⚡️"I saw him chatting up the new intern during lunch today. He's definitely trying to make a good impression." ⚡️ "She's always good at chatting people up at social events. It's her way of making new friends." ⚡️"I can't believe he had the nerve to chat up the waitress while we were out for dinner! He's always so confident in those situations." ⚡️"The company's CEO was chatting up potential investors at the networking event, trying to secure new funding for the business." These examples illustrate how the expression is used to describe the act of engaging someone in conversation, often with a specific goal or intention, such as flirting, networking, or establishing rapport.

10.12.2023 15:20

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