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Упражнения для развития лексико-грамматических навыков в 10-11 классах

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Сomplete the sentencecs

  1. ______________ is the coloured part of the eye.
  2. Hartmann, for example, writes classic ________________ and non-fiction about Mars.
  3. Modern ______________ makes moving money around much easier than it used to be.
  4. A________________ in medical science may make it possible for people to live for 150 years.
  5. You'll be t________________ to the Birmingham office.
  6. His friends were shocked to d_____________ how ill he was.
  7. Social problems such as drug abuse and high divorce rates are often common in the most t________________________ a________________ countries.
  8. The d______________ ended on an optimistic note and they started making new plans for the next year.
  9. Car thefts are _____________________ in this part of town.
  10. I can't say which juice is best - it's a ____________ of personal taste.
  11. Dr. DeVries __________________ the artificial heart in Clark in 1982.
  12. Luckily, there was no queue at the _____________, so he left the supermarket very quickly.
  13. I knew I could _______________ on David.
  14. Navigation was helped by a radio b____________ set up by the Army on the island.

Сomplete the sentencecs

  1. Development of h________ t____________ industries can guarantee success in the n_____ t_______ d______________ future.
  2. A machine with a _________ will scan our eyes as a new means of identification.
  3. Each person's fingerprints are ___________, that is why they make identification possible.
  4. Are you thinking of making some i____________________ to your home, to make it more up-to-date?
  5. Has anyone bothered to __________ out how much all this is going to cost?
  6. Their charity works with children in less d___________________ countries.
  7. I r______________ to pack my suitcase before she came back.
  8. As we left, I wondered what the future had in _________.
  9. She couldn't take the money. It was a ______________ of principle.
  10. A few years ago, he had replaced her squished left eye with her first optic ______________.
  11. Do you have a r_________________ map of the area?
  12. A scientist has designed a bank ____________________ machine that you can talk to.
  13. He has achieved r________________ and respect as a scientist.

Write the English equivalents of the following sentences:

  1. Он добился признания и уважения.
  2. У вас есть надежная карта этого района?
  3. Она думала о том, что уготовило ей будущее.
  4. Они помогают детям в менее развитых странах.
  5. Отпечатки пальцев каждого человека, как и радужная оболочка глаза, уникальны.
  6. Развитие высоко технологичных отраслей промышленности гарантирует стремительный успех.
  7. Он пишет научную фантастику.
  8. Врач вживил ему искусственное сердце.
  9. Десятилетие закончилось на оптимистической ноте.
  10. Вашу компанию переведут в другой город.
  11. Его друзья были потрясены, когда узнали, как серьезно он болен.

Write the English equivalents of the following sentences:

  1. Недавно был создан новый банковский аппарат для выдачи наличных денег.
  2. Он не мог принять этих денег, это было дело принципа.
  3. Я бросился упаковывать чемодан.
  4. Давайте попытаемся выяснить, сколько это будет стоить.
  5. Эта машина имеет сенсор, который сканирует глаза человека.
  6. Многие сферы жизни могут измениться в не столь далеком будущем.
  7. Я провел полчаса в очереди в кассу.
  8. Угоны автомобилей стали обычным делом в этом районе.
  9. Социальные проблемы часто возникают даже в самых развитых в техническом отношении странах.
  10. Успехи в медицине позволят человеку жить до 150 лет.
  11. Я знал, что на него можно положиться.

iris the round coloured part of your eye

improvements advances

unique one of a kind

move transfer

laboratory scientist’s workshop

discover find out

high tech technologically advanced

cashpoint a machine from which you can obtain money with a special plastic card

sensor a piece of equipment used for discovering the presence of light, heat, movement

research serious study of a subject

tiny very small

reduce to make something smaller or less in size, amount, or price

checkout the place in a supermarket where you pay for the goods you have collected

recognize to know who someone is because you have seen, heard, about them in the past

unlikely not likely to happen

shudder to shake for a short time because you are afraid or cold, or because you think something is very unpleasant

developed country one of the rich countries of the world with many industries

developing country a poor country that is trying to increase its industry and trade

Complete the sentences Name _____________

  1. A ___________________ country is one of the rich countries of the world with many industries
  2. She ______________________ at the thought that she could have been killed.
  3. The weather is _______________ to improve over the next few days.
  4. Why can't they have more _______________ open in this supermarket?
  5. Scientists are conducting ___________ into the drug's effectiveness.
  6. If she wanted to get home in comfort she would have to find a _______________ to get some money with her credit card.
  7. The governor announced a new plan to ______________ crime.
  8. I need to _________________some money from my savings account to my checking account.
  9. _______________ in medical science may make it possible for people to live for 150 years.
  10. Have you heard the latest? The boss is going to spend £1 million on a high-____________ security system.
  11. The blood samples are sent to a ______________ for analysis.

Complete the sentences Name _____________

  1. A __________________ country is a poor country that is trying to increase its industry and trade
  2. Giving up smoking significantly _______________ your risk of heart disease.
  3. I didn't ______________________ you in your uniform.
  4. Medical ______________ are allowing people to live much longer.
  5. She was holding a ____________ little baby in her arms.
  6. Luckily, there was no queue at the __________________.
  7. There is clearly a need for further _______________ on the topic.
  8. His friends were shocked to ________________ how ill he was.
  9. A scientist has designed a bank _______________ machine that you can talk to.
  10. Each person's fingerprints are ___________________.
  11. We have ______________ buried in our muscles and joints that tell us where our arm is currently located.

Complete the sentences Name _________________

  1. Your English is coming ________ really well.
  2. More than 30 software firms were involved ________ the project.
  3. During the storm electricity was ___________ off.
  4. I tried phoning her office, but I couldn't get ____________.
  5. The crime shocked the city and now police are _________ into it.
  6. Is that the best excuse you can come _________ with?
  7. They have bought a new dishwasher but they haven’t put it ____ yet.
  8. Don't go. I haven't finished __________ you yet.
  9. She is not interested __________ scientific research.
  10. They were all looking ______________ to the new school year.
  11. The car ___________ down just north of Paris.
  12. Choosing the right bike depends _________ what you want to use it for.
  13. She applied ___________ a job with the local newspaper.

Complete the sentences Name _________________

  1. Your English is coming ________ really well.
  2. More than 30 software firms were involved ________ the project.
  3. During the storm electricity was ___________ off.
  4. I tried phoning her office, but I couldn't get ____________.
  5. The crime shocked the city and now police are _________ into it.
  6. Is that the best excuse you can come _________ with?
  7. They have bought a new dishwasher but they haven’t put it ____ yet.
  8. Don't go. I haven't finished __________ you yet.
  9. She is not interested __________ scientific research.
  10. They were all looking ______________ to the new school year.
  11. The car ___________ down just north of Paris.
  12. Choosing the right bike depends _________ what you want to use it for.
  13. She applied ___________ a job with the local newspaper.

Name ____________________________________________________

Complete the sentences with one of the words in bold type:

tin opener safety pin correction fluid

  1. The dress was neatly folded, and the coral necklace carefully pinned to the bodice with a large ___________________.
  2. We can’t have those sardines for lunch: I can’t find the _______________.
  3. If you use too much ________________________, your text looks as untidy as when you cross out the wrong words.
  4. I love those funny little skirts where there’s a piece of cloth just with a ________________________.

(correct forms of) run out take it for hey presto

  1. He __________________ granted that people would fall in love with Eva.
  2. You stand there, feed your shillings into the machine, and – __________________! – it does the rest.
  3. They ____________________ of money and had to give up the project.
  4. My patience was ________________________.

numerous incidentally gradually

  1. The two leaders have worked together on _______________ occasions
  2. Standards of education are _____________ improving across the country.
  3. Quite ___________________, I got some useful information at the party.
  4. ______________________, my ankle got better.

(correct forms of) seal debt chisel

  1. He had enough money to pay off his outstanding ________________.
  2. He wrote the address and _______________ the envelope.
  3. The band will be in ________________ to the record company for years.
  4. He equipped himself with a hammer, a _____________ and a screw driver and went to mend the cupboard.

figure out undeterred granted brainwave

  1. Unless someone comes up with a _____________ soon, I can’t _______________________ how we can get out of this mess.
  2. Once again, the supporters were _____________________ by facts.
  3. The council have ________________ him permission to build on the site.
  4. ___________________ by his early failures, he decided to keep writing.
  5. I haven’t got any idea where we are. If I had a map, I would probably _____________________ the way to the cottage.
  6. Eighteen-year-olds were _________________ the right to vote under the 26th amendment to the Constitution.

digital competence phenomenal optional come to terms usage adept predicted online download deal literate statistics type burn applications access

Complete the sentences using the words in italics

  1. People who know how to use the computer are called “computer ________”.
  2. The appearance of a “net generation” was __________ by social scientists.
  3. He is always carrying his new __________ camera with him.
  4. Jane quickly became ________ at using the new programme.
  5. They’ve carried out research on internet _________ among teenagers.
  6. Unfortunately, 20% of schoolchildren do not have ________ to the Internet.
  7. The idea of universal computer ___________ among teenagers is a myth.
  8. My grandfather can _______________ his own CDs.
  9. Some teenagers don’t know how to use _____________ like PowerPoint and Excel.
  10. She is famous for her ____________________ memory.
  11. Learning computer skills is no longer ________________ for teenagers.
  12. They are taught to ________ and use the keyboard in the secondary school.
  13. Most of them know how to ________________ a film or a song from the net.
  14. Teenagers just _________ with computers and don’t worry about breaking them.
  15. You can do this test ___________, you don’t need to go anywhere.
  16. The official __________ say that 52% of people aged 30-49 have net access.
  17. We have to _________________ with the fact that universal computer literacy has not been achieved yet.

digital competence phenomenal optional come to terms usage adept predicted online download deal literate statistics type burn applications access

Complete the sentences using the words in italics

  1. People who know how to use the computer are called “computer ________”.
  2. The appearance of a “net generation” was __________ by social scientists.
  3. He is always carrying his new __________ camera with him.
  4. Jane quickly became ________ at using the new programme.
  5. They’ve carried out research on internet _________ among teenagers.
  6. Unfortunately, 20% of schoolchildren do not have ________ to the Internet.
  7. The idea of universal computer ___________ among teenagers is a myth.
  8. My grandfather can _______________ his own CDs.
  9. Some teenagers don’t know how to use _____________ like PowerPoint and Excel.
  10. She is famous for her ____________________ memory.
  11. Learning computer skills is no longer ________________ for teenagers.
  12. They are taught to ________ and use the keyboard in the secondary school.
  13. Most of them know how to ________________ a film or a song from the net.
  14. Teenagers just _________ with computers and don’t worry about breaking them.
  15. You can do this test ___________, you don’t need to go anywhere.
  16. The official __________ say that 52% of people aged 30-49 have net access.
  17. We have to _________________ with the fact that universal computer literacy has not been achieved yet.

UNIT 3 Revision Test

Common Errors

Complete the sentences using one word only

  1. Do you know who first _________________ that the Earth goes round the Sun?
  2. This car is so __________________ it can go hundreds of kilometres on one tank of petrol.
  3. I _________ out of petrol on the way home and had to walk three kilometres to the nearest garage.
  4. Helen’s ____________ up with a very clever way to make her own fizzy drinks.
  5. Scientists are _________________ into ways to do more operations using lasers and robots.
  6. The electrician’s coming to ______________ in the new cooker tomorrow.
  7. Mobile phone technology has ____________ on enormously over the last five years.
  8. I think ________________ vegetables are just as good as fresh ones.
  9. Landing on the Moon was an incredible ______________________.
  10. The expansion of the Internet has been highly ___________________ for many companies.
  11. Dan’s really looking forward ________ getting his new computer next week.
  12. I decided not to apply ________ the position of Laboratory Assistant.
  13. The thought of finding life on other planets fills me _________ excitement.

Complete the sentences using more than one word

  1. They will (bring out) _______________________ a new car by 2020.
  2. This time next week we’ll (walk) _____________________round the Science Museum.
  3. Emma’s helping to produce the new software. (involved) ___________________________________________________________
  4. Robots are never likely to take over the world. (probably) __________________________________________________________
  5. Scientists now know why the disease spreads so quickly. (figure) __________________________________________________________
  6. They are delivering our new dishwasher next Tuesday. (going) Our new dishwasher ____________________________________


  1. We haven’t been able to solve the problem yet. (found) ___________________________________________________________
11.11.2017 14:53

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