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Урок постановка "Робин Гуд"

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домашнего чтения с постановкой сцен по книге «Легенды о Робин Гуде»

(Издательство «Айрис-пресс, 2010г)

Материал подготовлен для учеников 6 класса.

Цель – развитие речевых навыков и ознакомление учащихся с лучшими образцами английской литературы.

Межпредметные связи - на основе материала книги дети изучают исторический материал в живой, игровой форме.

Ожидаемые результаты – повышение интереса учащихся к чтению на английском языке.

Организация и проведение:

  • 1 Этап – чтение текстов, ответы на вопросы учителя.
  • 2 Этап – учитель пишет сценарии некоторых эпизодов и распределяет роли. Ученики готовят декорации и подбирают музыкальное оформление.
  • 3 Этап – репетиции и выступления перед учениками школы и родителями.

Сценки для представления, условные обозначения:

№ 1 – narrator 1

№ 2 - narrator 2

R.N – Robin Hood

A.D – Allan-a-Dale

L.J – Little John

Сцена № 1:


Nr1 – Robin Hood was the captain of the band of Merry Men. Next to him came Little John.

Nr2 – Robin loved Little John best of all his friends. Yet, the first time they met, they fought awfully.

Nr1 – This morning Robin took his bow and arrows and went to the forest. He came to a wide and deep river. It was crossed by a narrow bridge.

Nr2 – If two people tried to pass each other on it, one would certainly fall into the water.

Nr1 – Robin began to cross the bridge and noticed a tall man.

R.H. – Go back and wait!

L.J. – I have as good a right to the bridge as you. You can go back till I get across!

R.H. - If you don’t go back, I’ll shoot!

L.J. – You are standing with your bow and arrow when I have only a stick! You talk like a coward!

R.H. – You are a big bully! Wait until I get a stick!

Nr2 – Robin Hood saw that the stranger was much stronger than himself. That did not frighten Robin. He was fond of fighting.

L.J. – All right, I’m not afraid!

Nr1 - Bang, smash, crack, bang - they went at each other. Their blows fell fast.

Nr2 – The stranger felt he could not stand it much longer. With all his strength he sent Robin right into the river.

Nr1 – Head over heels he went and disappeared under the water.

L.J. – Hello, my good man! Where are you?

R.H. – I’m here. I am all right. I am just swimming.

L.J. – You are not an easy man to beat!

R.H. - It was a fair fight, and you won the battle. Will you shake hands and be friends with me?

L.J. - With all my heart!

R.H. – I am Robin good. If you come and live with me I’ll give you a green suit).

L.J. – I’d like it. My name is Little John. I promise to serve you truly.

Nr2 – From that day Little John always lived with Robin. They became very, very great friends!

Сцена № 2 :


N1 – One day Robin met a young knight dressed in scarlet. He sang a merry song.

N2 – The next day Robin met the same knight dressed in grey. His head hung down.

R.H. – Why are you so sad?

A.D. – My name is Allan-a-Dale. Seven years ago I fell in love with the most beautiful lady in the world. I was poor, and we were too young to marry. Her father promised that in seven years and a day we would have our wedding day. But tomorrow she will marry an old and ugly rich man.

R.H. – Do not suffer. A girl who changes her mind is not worth so much sadness.

A.D. – She loves me. Her father forces her to do this thing.

R.H. – What will you give to me, if I help you to get your true love again?

A.D. – I swear to serve you truly for ever and a day.

R.H. – Well, tomorrow is your wedding day.

Nr1 – Very early next morning Robin Hood rose. He dressed like a harper and set off for Dale Abbey. He left orders with Little John to follow.

Nr2 – Robin Hood arrived at the Abbey. The Bishop asked him to play some sweet music. Robin Hood refused to play anything before he saw the bride and the bridegroom.

Nr1 – At last the bridegroom came. So old and ugly he was! Soon the bride arrived. She was so beautiful and everyone in the church was sorry for her.

Nr2 – Robin Hood stopped the service.

R.H. – I am Robin Hood. Let the lady choose of all these men which she will have.

Nr2 – Lady Christabel chose Allan-a-Dale. Her father was so old that he could’t stop the wedding.

Nr1 – So Christabel and Allan-a-Dale were married. They went to live with Robin Hood and his Merry Men in Sherwood Forest.

Сцена № 3 :


N1 – Long before Robin came to live in Sherwood Forest, he fell in love with a very beautiful girl. Her name was Marian.

N2 – They loved each other so much that Robin asked Marian to marry him. She said “Yes”.

N1 – But just then a terrible trouble happened to Robin, and he lost everything he had. He wrote a good-bye letter to Marian and went to the Forest.

N2 – Mary became so unhappy that she could bear it no longer, so she went to Sherwood Forest to find Robin.

N1 – It was not safe for a lady to travel by herself, so she dressed like a knight.

N2 – One day Robin dressed himself as a Norman knight and went out into the forest. Suddenly he met another knight and called out:

R.H. – Stop, Sir Knight! What is your name and where are you going?

N1 – Marian thought that he was a wicked knight, so she drew her sword.

R.H. – Aha, you refuse to answer! Fight then, false knight!

N1 – They fought for more than an hour. They both were wounded. Suddenly Marian recognized Robin’s voice!

Marian – Robin, Robin!?

R.H. - Marian, can it be you?! Oh, why did you not speak before….! I hurt you! …… I do not know how I shall live in Green Wood, when you go away again!

Marian – But I’ll never go away again! I am going to stay with you always!

R.H. - ……. Dearest, you must not. It is a very uncomfortable life and not fit for a gentle lady like you!

Marian – Oh, Robin, do not be so unkind! The sun doesn’t shine and the birds forget to sing when I am away from you! … Let me stay!

R.H. - …… OK…. Let it be so.

N2 – Robin and Marian lived together for a long time. They were very happy.

N1 – That is the end of our short story. We hope you liked it!))

11.11.2017 13:06

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