Благодаря готовым учебным материалам для работы в классе и дистанционно

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Организационный момент

Проверка знаний

Объяснение материала

Закрепление изученного

Итоги урока

Warming up

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1 Organizational moment Greetings Hello boys and girls! I’m glad to see you! Sit down, please!

What day is it today? What is the date today? Who is on duty today? Who is absent today?

Let’s begin our lesson.

Introducing aims

2 Warming up Фонетическая разминка

Practice with pronunciation with English sounds

T: Let’s practice when you hear the sound your task is to say the verbs with these sounds. Are you ready?

For example: [m] – climb, jump, swim

[w]-work, water, walk

[l]- listen, play, sleep

[d] – read, stand, build Слайд 1

Речевая разминка

Answer the questions:

T- What the weather is in winter?

P1- The weather is snowy

P2- The weather is frosty

T- What the weather is in summer?

P1-The weather is hot

P2- The weather is sunny

T-What the weather is in autumn?

P1- The weather is rainy

P2,3-The weather is cloudy

T-What the weather is in spring?

P1-The weather is windy

P2- The weather is foggy

3 Checking home task Complete the chart about the weather in the places that Robert visited p94ex4


Britain The weather was very bad

France The weather was sunny and warm

Spain The weather was windy and rainy

Africa The weather was hot слайд 2

4 Introducing new grammar The theme of our lesson is PAST CONTNUOUS TENSE Слайд 3

1. revision of verb to be (WAS/WERE) T-Cl



He- was


They were



2. T-What were you doing at five o’clock yesterday?

Учитель задает вопрос на русском языке. Что ты делал вчера в 5 часов вчера?

Приблизительные ответы учащихся: P1-Я играл в компьютерные игры. Р2-Я читал. Р3-яделал домашнюю работу. и т.д.

T- Then listen what I was doing yesterday слайд 4

I was playing computer games

I was reading a book

I was watching TV

I was listening music

I was cooking

Say what auxiliary verb and ending I was using

P- the verb was and ending –ing

T – let’s read and translate the sentences слайды 5-7

They were playing tennis at 10 o’clock

My cat was sleeping yesterday at 6 o'clock

She was eating yesterday at 2 o’clock

Учащиеся переводят и анализируют предложения.

T- Look at the slide once more what can you say about forming of Past Continuous tense слайд 8

P- We form Past Continuous with the help of verb to be (was/were) and ending –ing

T- Very good. And now let’s see when we use the Past Continuous Tense

T-Open your books and read more sentences (read and translate the sentences) St. book p109 ex3

T – say when we use the past continuous tense

P- We use the past continuous tense when we talk about an action that had already started and was still continuing at a particular time.

T- Lets check. That’s right. Слайд 9

Мы используем

Past Continuous

чтобы сказать, что действие началось или продолжалось в какой-то момент в прошлом.


T- Make Past Continuous from the following verbs T-Cl

T- I (do) P-I was doing

He (play) P-He was playing

We (read) P- We were reading

She (work) P – She was working

They (watch) P-They were watching

You (go) P- You were going


T – Choose the correct form of the verb. Учащимся с пониженной учебной мотивацией предлагается выполнит задание А, остальные учащиеся выполняют задание В слайд 10-11Group A: put the verbs in the correct form of Past Continuous

Group B: choose the correct verb and write sentences in Past Continuous Tense.

Взаимопроверка выполнения задания


T-And now let’s relax. And have some tea. Слайды12 -15

Let’s read this poem all together.

Two little boys

Johnny and Sam

Were sitting and having

Some tea with jam

убираются строчки, учащиеся воспроизводят рифмовку по памяти.


T- Working in pairs interview your friend what was he/she doing at 5 (6) o’clock yesterday?

Слайд 16

  • …4 o’clock yesterday
  • …5 o’clock yesterday
  • …6 o’clock yesterday
  • …8 o'clock yesterday

Write the sentences about your classmate, what he/she was doing at that moment?

5 Giving home task: Make sentences in Past Continuous (personal cards) слайд 17

6 Summing up: It brings us to the end. Thank you for your work. Do you like the lesson today? What do you know about the Past Continuous Tense?

16.03.2016 11:38

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