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Why does the Queen have two birthdays?

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Why does the Queen have two birthdays?

Ever wondered why the Queen has two birthdays a year? It’s all down to this royal tradition.

The crown jewels, a huge palace, several castles and crowds of adoring fans – there’s a fair few privileges Queen Elizabeth II enjoys as England’s monarch. And we’d argue that another perk of the job is the not one but TWO birthdays she enjoys every year, which in 2022 coincidentally falls in the same month as the extra bank holiday for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.

Her Majesty’s official birthday is usually marked with the Trooping the Colour parade, a tradition which sees members of the armed services come together in a special military ceremony. The custom for monarchs to have two birthdays dates back over 250 years ago and no doubt will remain in place when others in the royal line of succession ascend the throne.

Why does the Queen have two birthdays?

Queen Elizabeth II has two birthdays each year – her actual birthday in April and an official one celebrated on the second Saturday in June. The two birthdays tradition for monarchs began with King George II back in 1748. A November-born king, he wanted a birthday when the weather was warmer and brighter for outdoor celebrations.

King George II combined this second birthday with the annual military parade known as Trooping of the Colour. And this is why the Queen’s official birthday and event exist on the same day.

Whilst Her Majesty’s second birthday now falls on a Saturday, it wasn’t always the case. Originally, Queen Elizabeth II marked her official birthday on the second Thursday of June. This was notably the same day as her father’s official birthday, King George VI. However in 1959, after seven years on the throne, the Queen changed it to the second Saturday in June.

How does the Queen celebrate her birthday?

Queen Elizabeth II’s birthday on 21 April is usually a private affair that she celebrates with her family and close friends. However, there are two public military salutes that also take place to mark the Queen’s actual birthday on the day itself.

In the capital, there is a 41-gun salute in Hyde Park and a 62-gun salute at the Tower of London. Whilst in Windsor, a 21-gun salute is carried out in Windsor Great Park, near the castle.

Aside from the gun salute, the Queen’s birthday is quite a modest affair as confirmed by the Royal Family's website:

“The Queen usually spends her actual birthday privately,” a statement reads.

Though this is the case for most years, special activities are arranged and held for milestone birthdays. For her 90th birthday in 2016, the Queen celebrated with a walkabout on the streets outside Windsor Castle.

04.04.2022 13:50

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