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8 класс контрольная работа раздел 1, Афанасьева, Михеева

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Данная контрольная работа для проведения проверочной работы после заканчивания 1 раздела Афанасьева, Михеева

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«8 класс контрольная работа раздел 1, Афанасьева, Михеева»

1. Complete the sentences. Use Past Simple or Past Perfect Сontrol work №1

1. When I (come) into the kitchen and (want) to help my sister she already (wash) the dishes.

2. When I (come) to the airport Sarah already (take) a taxi.

3. After Mary (win) the race, she (become) famous.

4. Bill said he (have) an advantage over his opponent as he (train) a lot.

5. When I (see) Andrew yesterday, he already (return) the day before.

2. Read the text and complete it with the following word combinations.

a) comes from the Icelandic b) snowy winters c) you think that ski races d) could ski very well e) is a modern sport f) hunting to forests or mountains

How Did Skiing Begin?

You may think the skiing 1)_____ , but in fact it is one of the oldest forms of travelling that man knows. The word itself 2)____word which means “snowshoe”, or “piece of wood”. Some scientists say that skiing goes back to the Stone Age, and all of them believe that ancient people of Scandinavia 3)____ and made skis of the bones of animals. There is even a picture on stone that is 900 years old that shows a ski runner. Skiing as a sport began in Norway. This northern country always had 4)_____and there was much snow in the fields and in the woods for many months. So people used skis to get about. They used skis in winter when they went 5)___, they used skis when they went to visit neighbours or had to go to the market.

And if 6) ___ are a modern tradition you are not right again. It may surprise you to know that they were having ski competitions back in 1767!

3.Use the functional words from the box to complete the sentences. (with, over,for,in,of,about,up,at)

1. Our team has an advantage _____yours. 2. I am sure John is a man ____ honour. 3. We discussed our possible route and decided to end ____in Moscow.

4. We ended the dinner _____coffee and chocolate cake.

5. How many goals did John score ____the game?

6. Pupils were excited _____the trip to the mountains.

7. Sue smiled_____ us and said she had won the competition.

8. Is Andrew playing _____your hockey team?

9. After their long travels they ended ____in London.

4.Choose the right words to complete the sentences.

1) There are eight people in the spaceship (team/crew).

2) Bob can be (honest/dishonest). He tells lies easily.

3) If you are not trained enough, doing some exercises can be (painless/painful).

4) When Jim saw Mary, she was crying and looked absolutely (helpful/helpless).

5) The pupils ended their meeting (in/with) the school hymn. 5.Translate into English:

1). Чем больше он читает, тем меньше он понимает

2). Чем скорее вы начнете, тем скорее вы закончите.

3). Чем дольше мы оставались там, тем больше нам нравилось это место.

4). Чем сильнее ветер, тем выше волны.

5). Наша команда забила 2 гола. 6). Я опоздал, хотя встал рано.


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