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About myself and my family

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«About myself and my family»

About myself and my family

My name is Ann. I'm seventeen years old. I am a second year student. I'm doing rather well in the college. My parents are proud of my marks and attitude, lecturers always praise me. I go in for sports: I go in for gymnastics and swimming. I take part in different competitions and win from time to time. In summer I like jogging.

When I have free time I like to listen to music, draw pictures and take photos of nature (especially I like flowers). 

  My friends say that I'm kind, responsible and sympathetic. I like to spend time with my friends; we play different games and go in for sports together.

  I like my family very much. Our family is an average-sized Armenian family - we are family of four: my mother, father, elder sister Natasha and me. My parents are not old yet. My mummy is forty-one; she works as a teacher of Math. She is a gifted teacher. All her pupils like her very much and they often visit our place. My daddy is forty-four; he is an engineer. He likes his profession. My sister is a student. My parents adore our family very much, and we like to spend time together - to walk in the evening together and to go for picnics.

My grandparents are already retired. They like gardening and they have a small summer cottage where they grow vegetables and berries. I and my sister like to visit them in summer.

I forgot to mention another member of our family - it's our beloved cat Max, who likes to sleep in my bed and who adores when I devote him my spare time.

I like my family very much and I love with as strong as possible.

So it's me and I like myself as I am.


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