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Букингемский дворец – символ Великобритании.

Категория: География

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Букингемский дворец – символ Великобритании..



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«Букингемский дворец – символ Великобритании.»

Букингемский дворец – символ Великобритании.

Букингемский дворец – символ Великобритании.

Buckingham Palace  is the symbol of London and the United Kingdom of Great Britain.

Buckingham Palace is the symbol of London and the United Kingdom of Great Britain.

Buckinghem Palace is the official home of  the Queen .

Buckinghem Palace is the official home of the Queen .

There is the Royal Standard above Buckingham Palace when the Queen is at home .

There is the Royal Standard above Buckingham Palace when the Queen is at home .

Buckingham Palace has 775 rooms . There are 52 bedrooms for the Queen , her family and guests , 188 bedrooms for the Queen’s servants , 92 offices and 78 bathrooms .

Buckingham Palace has 775 rooms . There are 52 bedrooms for the Queen , her family and guests , 188 bedrooms for the Queen’s servants , 92 offices and 78 bathrooms .

There are 1 , 514 doors and 760 windows in Buckingham Palace .

There are 1 , 514 doors and 760 windows in Buckingham Palace .

There are over 40 , 000 light bulbs in the Palace .

There are over 40 , 000 light bulbs in the Palace .

There are more than 350 clocks and watches in Buckingham Palace . It is one of the larges collections of clocks in the world .

There are more than 350 clocks and watches in Buckingham Palace . It is one of the larges collections of clocks in the world .

Buckingham Palace’s garden is very big . There is a helicopter landing area , a lake , and a tennis court there . There are 30 different types of birds and 350 different flowers in it . Buckingham Palace has it is own chapel , post office , swimming pool , cafe , and cinema .

Buckingham Palace’s garden is very big . There is a helicopter landing area , a lake , and a tennis court there . There are 30 different types of birds and 350 different flowers in it . Buckingham Palace has it is own chapel , post office , swimming pool , cafe , and cinema .


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