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Business card, brochure and glossary ( Task 1)

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21st century skills- personal and social responsibility, planning, critical thinking, reasoning, creativity, visualizing, strong communicative skills, choosing most appropriate tool.(1)

Collaboration is a joint effort of multiple individuals or work groups to accomplish a task or project.(2)

Content- is the subjects or topics covered in a book or document.(3)

Critical thinking- s a kind of thinking (this applies to all items of content or problems) in which a person improves the quality of his thinking, making it an integral part of his life. It involves mastering of certain qualities of thinking and leads to the development of creative abilities in communication and solving of problem.(4)

DIY(Do it Yourself)- Any activity students do alone whether to study a concept or to be evaluated on their understanding.(5)

Driving questions- questions that guides instruction and that learners find meaningful and important.() A driving question encompasses worthwhile content that is meaningful and anchored in a real-world situation.(6)

Entry Event- the “big event” that gets students excited about an upcoming project.(5)

Essential question- question that will launch a project-based learning lesson must be one that will engage students.(1)

Knows and Need to Knows- Successful projects start with “knows,” elements students are aware of after the Entry Event, and “Need to Knows” that will need to be learned or discovered during the process of creating the product.(5)

Project- All the things students will do in order to learn the standards encompassed by the Driving Question.(5)

Project-based learning- is a method of teaching that presents students with a problem or challenge to solve, requires them to gather information from various resources, and asks them to come up with the original solution that ends in a product of performance.(1)

Project-based learning- Is a model for classroom activity that shifts away from the usual classroom practices, isolated, teacher-centered lessons.(1)

Project-based learning- is systematic teaching method that engaged students in learning important knowledge and 21st century skills through an extended, student influenced inquiry process structured around complex, authentic questions and carefully designed products and learning task.(1)

Significant Content- significant Content is the learning material that students will be using while creating the project. If the content is insignificant, student learning and engagement can suffer.(5)

Voice and Choice- students should have a say in some aspects of the project (voice) and be required to make choices in many areas. Providing room for “voice and choice” is part of building student engagement.(5)

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"Business card, brochure and glossary ( Task 1)"


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