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My choice to become a teacher of English

Knowledge of languages ​​has always attracted me, because this is an interesting way! Studying languages, you study the world, learn the culture, traditions and customs of other nations. Since childhood, I imagined myself as a translator, and a guide, even a flight attendant, but a teacher !? It was unattainable! The teacher is the second person after the family, from which the formation of the personality begins. We look at our teachers and absorb everything they give us: knowledge, kindness, love, attitude to the world around us.

Teachers come to school in different ways, and their school destinies are also different in their way ... Someone from childhood dreams of becoming a teacher and strives for this goal, and someone comes to the profession by chance. Someone devotes his whole life to school, his students, and someone is serving a duty. Some, after a few lessons, realize that working at school is not their vocation.

My journey to school began at the university, in my last year. Then all the students, including myself, had to undergo teaching practice.

The first days it seemed that I was in the past, but only in a different capacity. When I conducted my first lessons, the children looked with shining eyes, and after the lesson they came up and said how much they liked it. I caught myself thinking that it gave me pleasure! And everything, the decision is made - I will be a teacher!

The school year has come, and in my life a new stage. My journey to a new and unknown country began. I still walked a very short way, I saw and discovered for myself an amazing world - the world of knowledge, in which I am a guide.

I am still in the beginning and my teaching experience is not very big. There are many questions that I have to find answers to, there are many techniques that I have to learn. This is a hard, daily work that takes a lot of strength. Sometimes it seems that this is not possible to withstand, but the "burning" eyes of my students help to cope with all difficulties.

Modern school - a place where you can realize yourself - new requirements and standards do not allow you to stand still. You strive to meet them, which inevitably leads to achievements at the professional level. Yet teachers have an enormous responsibility for each child we teach. The teacher is a builder, each student is a brick of society. It depends on us what the foundation of the future of our country will be.

The main task of a modern teacher is to teach children to think independently, set socially significant tasks for themselves, design ways to solve them, predict results and achieve them. Indeed, according to the wise expression of K. Kushner, “The teacher’s task is not to give students maximum knowledge, but to instill in them an interest in the independent search for knowledge, to learn to gain knowledge and to use it”. This idea today is very relevant.

The profession of a modern teacher includes not only conducting lessons, but also creating a huge material base: reports, technological maps, programs of basic and additional lessons, work plans and self-development, an electronic journal, development of extracurricular activities, competitions, olympiads, conferences ... We are always in a hurry to pass everything on time, somewhere we hurry! And we don’t find time to stop at all and understand that we are teachers first of all!

For urgent matters often do not have enough time to look into the eyes of waiting and thirsty students. But they are waiting ... But waiting for them cannot last forever. It can be replaced by indifference, and sometimes open hatred of the teacher, the subject, and maybe even the school ... "No!" - I say to myself. Is this what I dreamed about when I introduced myself as a teacher ?! I imagined myself next to the children, giving themselves all in class and at the same time receiving much more. After all, when you see the interest of children, when they rejoice in their success, gain confidence in their abilities, the teacher opens a second wind and wants to give the student more, go further and deeper plunge into knowledge. And, without stopping on your way, get to the bottom of the truth


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