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City and country !

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квн по английскоу языку на тему : "Города и села !"

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«City and country !»

Today is the 29 th of January  It’s Thursday.  Let’s start our lesson! Divide the words on your desks into 2 groups! What is the theme of our lesson? What are we going to talk about ?

Today is the 29 th of January It’s Thursday.

Let’s start our lesson!

  • Divide the words on your desks into 2 groups!
  • What is the theme of our lesson?
  • What are we going to talk about ?

City or Country?

City or Country?

Practise saying these adjectives: quiet – quiet er noisy – noisi er clean – clean er dirty – dirti er easy – easi er difficult – more difficult boring – more boring exciting - more exciting beautiful – more beautiful

Practise saying these adjectives:

  • quiet – quiet er
  • noisy – noisi er
  • clean – clean er
  • dirty – dirti er
  • easy – easi er
  • difficult – more difficult
  • boring – more boring
  • exciting - more exciting
  • beautiful – more beautiful
Listen to the questions and think about your answers:   1. Which is quieter : a city or the country? 2. Which is more beautiful ? 3. Which is cleaner ? 4. Where are there more cars and buses? 5. Which is more exciting ? 6. Where are there more things to do ? 7. Where is shopping more difficult ?

Listen to the questions and think about

your answers:

  • 1. Which is quieter : a city or the country?
  • 2. Which is more beautiful ?
  • 3. Which is cleaner ?
  • 4. Where are there more cars and buses?
  • 5. Which is more exciting ?
  • 6. Where are there more things to do ?
  • 7. Where is shopping more difficult ?
Answer the questions! Don’t show your answers to your classmate!   Who – кто?  Which - что?  Where - где? ( in the…)

Answer the questions!

Don’t show your answers to your classmate!

  • Who – кто?
  • Which - что?
  • Where - где? ( in the…)
Work with a classmate! Ask and answer the questions:   1. Which is quieter : a city or the country? 2. Which is more beautiful ? 3. Which is cleaner ? 4. Where are there more cars and buses? 5. Which is more exciting ? 6. Where are there more things to do ? 7. Where is shopping more difficult ?

Work with a classmate!

Ask and answer the questions:

  • 1. Which is quieter : a city or the country?
  • 2. Which is more beautiful ?
  • 3. Which is cleaner ?
  • 4. Where are there more cars and buses?
  • 5. Which is more exciting ?
  • 6. Where are there more things to do ?
  • 7. Where is shopping more difficult ?
       It’s time to have a rest!   Let’s do exercises!

It’s time to have a rest! Let’s do exercises!

Work in group! Imagine that you live there!  Find 3 good things and 3 bad things about living in: the city  the country Emanzhelinsk

Work in group! Imagine that you live there! Find 3 good things and 3 bad things about living in:

the city

the country


Thank you for your work!

Thank you for your work!

 Homework   с. 71 № 6  написать о нашем городе:  что есть хорошее, а что плохое


с. 71 № 6

написать о нашем городе:

что есть хорошее, а что плохое

That’s all for today.  -What was the theme of our lesson?   -What was the aim of our lesson?  -What have we learnt?  -Did you like our lesson?  Goodbye!

That’s all for today.

-What was the theme of our lesson?

-What was the aim of our lesson?

-What have we learnt?

-Did you like our lesson?



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