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Compare and contrast photos

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  1. Now I am going to compare and contrast these two photos.

  2. I’d like to start by saying that there are different leaders in different countries.

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«Compare and contrast photos»

  1. Now I am going to compare and contrast these two photos.

  2. I’d like to start by saying that there are different leaders in different countries.

  3. Let me start with the first picture.

  4. It shows the Queen of the UK who is going in a carriage with her husband and some other people.

  5. As for the second picture, it depicts the President of the USA and his wife.

  6. It seems to me that the main similarity between photo 1 and photo 2 is that they show famous people.

  7. What is more, people are in transport in both photos.

  8. Finally, both photos show people greeting audience by waving hands.

  9. I think the most obvious difference between these pictures is that it is showed a carriage in the first photo while in the second photo we see a plane.

  10. Also, the number of people is different: there are 5 people in the first photo and only there are two people in the second photo.

  11. In addition, in the first photo people are sitting while in the second photo people are standing.

  12. To be honest, I’d prefer to visit country presented in the first picture.

  13. I want to visit the UK because I have been dreaming about meeting with the Queen since I started to study English.

  14. Well, that is the end of my talk about the photos, their similarities and differences.

  15. Thank you for listening to me.


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