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Components of the dough and methods of kneading

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Components of the dough and methods of kneading

Dough is a semi-finished product in bakery, confectionery and pasta production, obtained by mixing flour with various other products, depending on the type of dough. In addition to flour, the dough usually contains water or milk, yeast or other baking powder, salt, sugar, butter, eggs

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«Components of the dough and methods of kneading»

Components of the dough and methods of kneading Выполнила студентка группы ТД-15-1 Макарова В.В.

Components of the dough and methods of kneading

Выполнила студентка группы ТД-15-1

Макарова В.В.

Dough Dough is a semi-finished product in bakery, confectionery and pasta production, obtained by mixing flour with various other products, depending on the type of dough. In addition to flour, the dough usually contains water or milk, yeast or other baking powder, salt, sugar, butter, eggs.


Dough is a semi-finished product in bakery, confectionery and pasta production, obtained by mixing flour with various other products, depending on the type of dough. In addition to flour, the dough usually contains water or milk, yeast or other baking powder, salt, sugar, butter, eggs.

Dough components Liquid for kneading any dough must necessarily consist of at least half a glass of water - for breeding yeast. The remaining liquid may consist of milk, sour cream, kefir, mixed in any proportions between themselves and taken in any quantities. Water or some other liquid is used to make dough from flour.

Dough components

Liquid for kneading any dough must necessarily consist of at least half a glass of water - for breeding yeast. The remaining liquid may consist of milk, sour cream, kefir, mixed in any proportions between themselves and taken in any quantities. Water or some other liquid is used to make dough from flour.

Salt This flavor component was probably the very first that they began to add to bread. Salt not only gives a pleasant and familiar taste to a person, but also has a strong effect on the formation of the gluten carcass. The addition of salt affects the elasticity of the dough, making it more elastic and stable. At the beginning of the dough, the contact of the yeast with salt should be carefully avoided - this will destroy them immediately.


This flavor component was probably the very first that they began to add to bread. Salt not only gives a pleasant and familiar taste to a person, but also has a strong effect on the formation of the gluten carcass. The addition of salt affects the elasticity of the dough, making it more elastic and stable. At the beginning of the dough, the contact of the yeast with salt should be carefully avoided - this will destroy them immediately.

Sugar Sugar for baking is used only purified, crystalline. The addition of sugar somewhat improves the fermentation and rise of the dough, since it compensates for the lack of simple sugars in the flour.


Sugar for baking is used only purified, crystalline. The addition of sugar somewhat improves the fermentation and rise of the dough, since it compensates for the lack of simple sugars in the flour.

Eggs and egg powder The lecithin contained in the yolk is an excellent emulsifier, baking from the addition of yolks gets a pleasant color, taste and smell.

Eggs and egg powder

The lecithin contained in the yolk is an excellent emulsifier, baking from the addition of yolks gets a pleasant color, taste and smell.

Dough kneading Hand kneading. It is believed that the bread, which was mixed with hands, turns out to be more tasty than the bread, for the preparation of which they used a mixer or bread maker. With manual kneading and cutting, the gluten carcass of future products, which is formed by proteins of wheat flour, is not disturbed. Not for nothing, many bread makers say that their models imitate hand-batching. Hand kneading - more gentle for gluten. From here and magnificent forms of pastries, bread chews better and it seems tastier. Unfortunately, manual kneading requires physical effort, time and skill.

Dough kneading

Hand kneading. It is believed that the bread, which was mixed with hands, turns out to be more tasty than the bread, for the preparation of which they used a mixer or bread maker. With manual kneading and cutting, the gluten carcass of future products, which is formed by proteins of wheat flour, is not disturbed. Not for nothing, many bread makers say that their models imitate hand-batching. Hand kneading - more gentle for gluten. From here and magnificent forms of pastries, bread chews better and it seems tastier. Unfortunately, manual kneading requires physical effort, time and skill.

Kneading in the kneader. The dough can be kneaded in one cycle and in two, i.e. at one or two speeds. When working at the same speed, the ingredients are mixed and the dough is mixed at the same time; with two, the mixing is done at a lower speed, and the batch is mixed, which better affects the texture of the product and its consumer properties. There are models of kneaders and with three speeds, the latter is necessary for cleaning the kneading organ.

Kneading in the kneader. The dough can be kneaded in one cycle and in two, i.e. at one or two speeds. When working at the same speed, the ingredients are mixed and the dough is mixed at the same time; with two, the mixing is done at a lower speed, and the batch is mixed, which better affects the texture of the product and its consumer properties. There are models of kneaders and with three speeds, the latter is necessary for cleaning the kneading organ.

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