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Computer lesson. Theme: Internal computer devices.

Категория: Информатика

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  • To acquaint students with the internal computer devices, their functions and features;

познакомить учеников с внутренним устройством системного блока, особенностями и функциями устройств.

  • To train pupils’ interests to the subject.

поддержать интерес учащихся к предмету

  • To develop pupils’ habits of using computer terms in work.

развивать навыки учащихся в использовании компьютерных терминов

  • To bring up students’ accuracy and fluency in the work on PC.

воспитывать аккуратность и беглость в использовании компьютера

  • To develop of students' communication skills in team-work;

развивать у учащихся навыки общения при совместной работе

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«Computer lesson. Theme: Internal computer devices.»

Computer lesson.

Theme: Internal computer devices.

Form: 8

Objectives of the lesson:

  • To acquaint students with the internal computer devices, their functions and features;

познакомить учеников с внутренним устройством системного блока, особенностями и функциями устройств.

  • To train pupils’ interests to the subject.

поддержать интерес учащихся к предмету

  • To develop pupils’ habits of using computer terms in work.

развивать навыки учащихся в использовании компьютерных терминов

  • To bring up students’ accuracy and fluency in the work on PC.

воспитывать аккуратность и беглость в использовании компьютера

  • To develop of students' communication skills in team-work;

развивать у учащихся навыки общения при совместной работе

  • To activate student’s creative thinking;

активизировать творческое мышление учащихся

  • To develop students’ self-education skills.

развивать навыки самообразования.

The type of the lesson: combined lesson (with practice work)

комбинированный урок (с элементами практической работы)

During the lesson the students will:

  • present the internals devices and their functions. (orally)

презентуют устройства и их функции

  • assemble a desktop computer in a virtual constructor. (modeling process)

виртуально соберут модель настольного компьютера

- work with new terms. (in written and orally)

поработают с новыми терминами устно и письменно

  • filling a technological card of the lesson. (in written)

заполнят технологическую карту урока

  • make up the questions about computer’s devices.

составят вопросы о компьютерных устройствах

Visual aids: desktop PCs, self-assessment levels, virtual assembly software, presentation “Internal computer devices”, interactive board, assessment table, technological cards, cards definitions, demo-models of internal devices.

Sources: 1. Dinos Demetrius’s Information technology: Workshop.- Oxford, Oxford UP. 2003. - 40 p.

2. http://www.howstuffworks.com; http://www.computer.howstuffworks.com,

3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QKn5H1cekyo. - dynamic pause

4. https://www.netacad.com/ru - virtual assembly software

Main terms: desktop PCs, motherboard, processor, adapters, disk drives, hard disk, power supply, RAM -

memory, cables and wires, the network card

The plan of the lesson:

  1. Greeting & organizing moment. - 1 min.

2. Revision the Safety Rules. – 2 min.

3. Evocation. Warm up:

- Activation of the knowledge (Discussion. Types of computers.) – 3 min.

- Defining the title and objectives of the lesson. – 2 min.

- Self-assessment. Knowledge Mountain. – 2 min.

4. Comprehension:

- New vocabulary. – 5 min.

- Internal computer devices. (Teacher speech.) – 5 min.

  • Individual work “Match terms and their descriptions”. (Work in technological cards.)

  • Make your choice. – 3 мин.

5. Dynamic pause – 2 min.

6. Comprehension: Fixing taken knowledge.

  • Virtual computer assembly. (Practice work.) - 10 min.

- Internal computer devices and their functions. (Student’s speeches.) - 5 min

- Extra work «True or False». (Work in technological cards.)

7. Reflection:

- Bus Stop. Student’s questions. – 4 min.

- Summary (assessment). – 2 min.

Self-assessment “Knowledge mountain”.

Assessments table.

  1. Greeting and organizing moment.

Good morning students. Please, check up we need for the lesson: handout-paper, register, pens.

  • How good is your mood?

  • Our mood is very good!

  • I am glad to see you. Welcome to this lesson. Sit down, please.

  • What date is it today?

  • You should be registered in Uses’ Register, while I am checking the absentees. Who is absent today?

Well, let’s begin our lesson.

2. Revision of the Safety Rules.

Повторение ПТБ.

  • What we should do the start lesson before?

At the beginning of our lesson we have to revise Safety rules.

Let’s tell the main Safety Rules in computer lab.

Please, be attentive and don’t repeat the same rules.

Who wants to start? Students speak rules, for example:


- keep unnecessary things and food near a computer;

- touch electrical wires, sockets and screens with your fingers;

- leave your assigned seat;

- try to correct breaks yourself;

- use social networks and cell-phone at the lesson;


- dismiss the work through the START-menu ;

-use just approved program and sites;

- test information drives to escape viruses;

- keep all devices clean;

- remember: Teacher dismisses the class, not the bell.


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