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Daily routine: лексика, текст, упражнения

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«Daily routine: лексика, текст, упражнения»

Лексические упражнения по теме РАСПОРЯДОК ДНЯ на английском языке

  1. wake up

  2. get up

  3. leave school

  4. have lunch

  5. make the bed

  6. have dinner

  7. read an interesting book

  8. read a comic

  9. sleep well all night

  10. work hard

  11. listen to music

  12. do (my) homework

  13. read a magazine

  14. go shopping

  15. do the morning exercises

  16. watch TV

  17. have a shower

  18. wash (my) face

  19. brush (my) teeth

  20. get dressed

  21. have breakfast

  22. go to school

  23. come home

  24. play with (my) brother

  25. read a newspaper

My Daily Routine

We all have some things we do every day or almost every day in a particular order. They are called “daily routine”. Let me tell you about my daily routine.

My typical day is quite busy, it begins at 6 o’clock in the morning when I wake up. When my alarm goes off, I turn it off, get up and make my bed. Then I take a shower, brush my teeth and do my morning workout. I do not exercise much in the morning, just a few simple exercises such as push-ups.

Usually, my mom makes breakfast for all of us, which is my parents and I. My older brother is a student and he lives in a dormitory. I have breakfast with my family. My father usually walks our dog, but when I have enough time, I like walking the dog myself.

After breakfast I go to school. I do not walk there because it is too far. I take a bus and get off by the school. It takes the bus about 15 minutes to get there, so I usually play games on my phone or watch YouTube videos. My classes start at 8 a.m. After the third lesson we have a break. My classmates and I go to the cafeteria where we have a cup of tea with a sandwich and chat.

After school, I take a bus home. Sometimes my friend’s father picks him up, and they give me a ride. At home I have lunch, then do the dishes. My mom works part-time and spends the morning hours at home. Usually, she goes to work at 2 pm. When my parents are at work I do the chores. I clean up the kitchen and my room, the living room if necessary, then I do the vacuuming in the hallway and feed the dog.

Then I just rest and do whatever I like. I go to the gym three times a week with my friends. So if it is a gym day, I go there. If it is not, I just watch TV or surf the Internet.

When my mom comes home, we cook together. While we are cooking, she might ask me about my day at school. My father returns from work a bit later. We have dinner together, then I do my homework. If I have enough time, I might watch a show, read a book or play a videogame. Sometimes we watch TV together. I am not a very outgoing person but once or twice a week I might go out with my friends. We love hanging out in the local part which is right next to the building where I live.

Normally, I do not stay up late, and go to bed at 10 or 11 o’clock in the evening. That is my daily routine.

Exercise 1. Вставьте слова get / go / have / come / iron / watch / buy / do / listen / take / read, так чтобы получились фразы, при помощи которых можно

описать свой распорядок дня на английском, переведите получившиеся фразы.

1.       ______________  the laundry

9.       _______________ a book

2.       _______________ up

10.   _______________ to music

3.       _______________ dinner

11.   _______________ a shower

4.       _______________ to bed

12.   _______________ shopping

5.       _______________ TV

13.   _______________ a newspaper

6.       _______________ home

14.   _______________ the clothes

7.       _______________ breakfast

15.   _______________ dressed

8.       _______________ to work

16.   _______________ lunch

Exercise 2. Используя следующие карточки, расскажите о распорядке дня Джейми и Мелани.

Exercise 3. Используя карточку, расскажите о своем распорядке дня на английском.


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