Благодаря готовым учебным материалам для работы в классе и дистанционно

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Организационный момент

Проверка знаний

Объяснение материала

Закрепление изученного

Итоги урока

Duisenova Akkumis Nyrlybekkyzy

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Theme of the lesson:


 The aims of the lesson:


1.S1 make basic personal statements about people, objects and classroom routines

1.L4 recognize with support short basic questions about what something is

1.S3  pronounce familiar words and expressions intelligibly

1.R4 use the alphabet to place the first letters of word in alphabetical order

Type of the lesson:

Mixed up lesson

The methods

Speaking, work with group, question-answer

Visual aids:

Table, pictures, books

Сабақтың барысы:

І. Organization moment:

Teacher’s actions.

Pupils’ actions


- Good morning boys and girls!

- How are you?

- I’m glad to see you, sit down.

-Good morning  miss Akkumis!

- I’m fine!


ІI. Warm-up:



















III. Explanation of the new theme





































IV. Conclusion





































































Pupils, let’s watch and listen to the video and sing a song together.

Good morning2

Good morning. How are you?

I’m fine3

Thank you

Good afternoon2

Good afternoon. How are you?

I’m not good2

I’m not. Oh,no

Good evening2

Good evening. How are you?

I’m great3

Thank you



What was your home task?

What’s English  form сүт?

What’s English  form ірімшік?

What’s English  form шырын?

What’s English  form жұмыртқа?






Come here all of your. Take one fruits.

  1. The first group is?
  2. The second group is?
  3. The third group is?


1.Whit on the inside, red, yellow or green on the outside.

2. Around orange or yellow fruit.

3. A long , thin fruit


Look at the active board.


What is about this video?


Today we are going to speak about ‘Fruits’. Open your books and let’s look at these pictures. So, children repeat after me these words, please:


Repeat after me all of your.

New words:

Apple [ ˈæp.l̩ ] - алма

Orange [ ˈɔːrɪndʒ ] - апельсин

Banana [ bəˈnɑː.nə ] - банан

Lemon [ ˈlemən ] - лимон

Pears [ peər ] - алмұрт

Grape [ ɡreɪp ]- жүзім


What is this?

What color is an apple?

What is this?

What color is pear?

What is this?

What color is orange?


I like apple.

I don’t like lemon.




1.Color the fruits






The lesson is over! Good – bye!







Listen and sing

Good morning2

Good morning. How are you?

I’m fine3

Thank you

Good afternoon2

Good afternoon. How are you?

I’m not good2

I’m not. Oh,no

Good evening2

Good evening. How are you?

I’m great3

Thank you





















3. Banana











Pupils repeat after the teacher

Apple - алма

Orange  - апельсин

Banana  - банан

Lemon- лимон

Pears - алмұрт

Grape- жүзім



It is an apple

Apple is red

It is an pear

Pear is green

It is an orange

Orange is orange





























Good – bye!









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"Duisenova Akkumis Nyrlybekkyzy"


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