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"Экология. Загрязнение воды"

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План-конспект урока для 11 класса по теме "Экология. Загрязнение воды".

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«"Экология. Загрязнение воды"»

Конспект урока по английскому языку Дата 20.12.2017

Тема урока: Загрязнение воды
Цели урока:
- ознакомить учащихся со значением экологически чистой воды в жизни человека; рассмотреть причины загрязнения водоёмов


Образовательная: обобщение лексико-грамматического материала по теме «Экология»

Развивающая: совершенствование навыков поискового чтения и монологического высказывания.

Воспитательная: привить учащимся бережное и экономное отношение к воде;
Тип урока: комбинированный, видео-урок

Ход урока

Stage of the lesson


The beginning of the lesson. Greeting. Actualization.

Teacher (T.):  Good morning! How are you? I’m very glad to see you!
Now you’re going to watch a video and guess the topic of our lesson.
Video 1.
Pupils: The topic is “Pollution”
Mankind believed for a long time that whatever we did, the Earth would remain the same. We know now that it isn’t true. There are a lot of problems that people face nowadays. But the most urgent problem concerning people of the world is an ecological one.

What is ecology? Ecology is the science that studies the conditions of the habitat of man, animals and plants.

Nowadays people understand how important it is to solve the environmental problems. The most serious environmental problems are:

  • pollution in its many forms (e. g. water pollution, air pollution)

  • noise from transport

  • destruction of countryside beauty

  • growth of population

  • acid rain

  • deforestation and others

Well, today we’ll discuss some of the ecological problems and try not only to focus on them, but to think about the ways of their solutions.


T.: For the first, let’s read the new words and phrases on the topic:

Clean and fresh water - чистая и свежая вода, wonderful nature – красивая природа, To protect nature – защищать природу, To solve ecological problems - решать экологические проблемы, litter – мусор, trash – хлам, мусор, rubbish – хлам, wastes – отходы, sewage – сточные воды, канализация, to dump – сбрасывать, hings to be reused and recycled - вещи для переработки и повторного использования, to pollute water – загрязнять воду, to throw rubbish into the river – выкидывать мусор в реку,reuse-переиспользование (например,пластика и бумаги),reduce-снижение использования (например,бумаги,воды),recycle-переработка (бумаги,пластика), renewable- восстанавливаемый (речь идет о самовосстанавливаемых ресурсах Земли-ветре,солнце)

New material.
A work with the text.

Some facts about the pollution:
The 22-nd of April is a World Earth day.
At this day people perform outdoor activities related to the earth safety like new trees plantation planting trees, picking up roadside waste materials, recycling of wastes, energy conservation and so many. At this day all the TV channels to show their programs to deal with the real environmental issues to get public aware.
There is a “golden rule” of 3R’s: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.
The rain that contains chemical waste and causes damage to plants and animals is called acid rain.

The USA is the country, which consumes more energy in the world. The most polluted city in the world is Mexico City. Deforestation is when forests are destroyed by cutting of trees and not replanted. The layer that protects Earth's surface from Sun's UV rays is ozonosphere.

Relaxing time

Now you’re going to watch a short musical video about the pollution and the results of it……

Group work Projects:

T.: Well, now you are ready for making projects. Make a poster-project “Clean Earth 2017”
Present, please, your project and choose the best one!


Now you’re going to have a video test about pollution. Let’s see, how did you understand the topic and what did you get to know.

The end of the lesson

T.: So, our short discussion is over. I’m sure you are friends of our planet. We all must keep the water clean and we must protect our nature to live happily!

T.: Thank you very much for your work in the lesson.
Your homework is to find a solution about water and air pollution.


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