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“English as a world language”

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«“English as a world language”»

Comprehensive school nu 852”

English as a world language”

The authors:

Aganichiva Marriya

Odintsov Ivan

Achoyan Susann

Batyashvilly Alexander

Scientific leader:

Nogaitseva Vera Fyedorovna, the teacher of English

Moscow, Zelenograd 2010

Цели и задачи проекта:

  1. Способствовать воспитанию человека культуры, гражданина своей страны, умеющего интегрироваться в мировое сообщество

  2. Привлечь внимание подростков к всемирному значению английского языка и формирование коммуникативной компетенции, как способности иностранного языка в ситуациях речевого общения

  3. Стимулировать интерес к изучению английского языка

Ожидаемый результат: защита проекта перед учащимися

Конечный результат: принять участие в фестивале исследовательских и творческих работ учащихся «Портфолио»


Дорогие ребята!

Английский язык является международным языком. Все больше и больше людей изучают его. Вы спросите почему? Ответ прост: английский язык встречается везде: в работе с компьютером, в различных инструкциях, в общении с иностранцами. Бывая на спортивных соревнованиях в Америке и других странах, учащиеся нашего класса, Коркишко Дима и Чернухин Саша, явно ощущали недостаточное знание английского языка, а им так хотелось узнать больше информации о своих зарубежных друзьях.

Скоро предстоит Спортивная Олимпиада в Сочи, многие знаменитости будут ехать через Москву, и вполне вероятно, что в то время нам выпадет возможность пообщаться с ними.

В этом проекте мы поставили своей задачей как можно больше информации узнать о значении английского языка во всем мире, о его происхождении.

Добро пожаловать в наш проект.

Авторы проекта

Why do we need English?

Today English is represented in every continent and in the three largest oceans: the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific.

I was born in a very nice family. My family consists of four members. My mother is good at English. I think, I life in a happy family, because my father is an engineer and he in keen in computer. All of them speak a little English. That’s why I want to learn English quicker, because my dream is to travel around the world.


As for me, I’ll need English in my future. I want to enter the University, and then to have a well paid salary.


To my wind you had to learn English better. From one hand you can speak to people from other countries in English and from the other hand English is a very nice language.


I want to be polite and will educated, and that’s why I am eager to know everything about English that’s why I worked on Internet, read a lot of magazines and knew some facts about English.


Do you know that…

The English language is now the first language of about 450 million people, the native language of 12 nations and the official or semiofficial language of 33 more nations. That means one in every seven people in the world speaks English.

It is the standard language for communication

  • 80% of all information in the computers’ world is English.

  • 75% of all international letters and telexes are in English.

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More than half of the world’s periodicals are printed in English

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50% of all the companies in Europe communicate with one another in English

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English is so popular because the United Kingdom used to have a big empire. The British had colonies all over the world, and all the people in the colonies had to speak English.

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English is a Germanic language. The Anglo-Saxons contributed to the formation of English most of all. The English alphabet came from Latin. Christian monks, who spoke Latin, brought it to England from Ireland. It is very strange, but the Celtic language didn’t contribute many words to modern English. We can only find Celtic words in the names of places and rivers such as: Dover, Kent, Avon and the Thames, for example.

Latin word in English: street, kitchen, cup, cheese, wine, angel, wall, paper.

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Scandinavian words in English: anger (грев), cake, call, egg, get, give, kick, kill, score, scrub, seat, skill, skin, skirt, sky, take, they, them, their, ugly, want, window, husband.

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French words in English: country, court (суд), crime (преступление), prison, religion, prince, princess; royal, adventure, change, fruit, letter, literature, magic, male, female, mirror, question, special.

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Let’s compare English with Russian

Plurals are easier. You just have to add an -(e)s in the end. Compare: Tables, books, trees. – Столы, книги, деревья.

Genders are simpler. In English you use “she” for women, “he” for men and all other words are “it”. In Russian we have tree (it), table (he), book (she), room (she). It’s very difficult.

English words don’t change so much.

I read this. – Я читаю эту книгу.

We read this book. – Мы читаем эту книгу.

You read this book. – Ты читаешь эту книгу.

They read this book. – Они читают эту книгу.

He (She) reads this book. – Он (Она) читает эту книгу.

You read this book. – Вы читаете эту книгу.

As for as you know, there are a lot of words from other languages in English.

How watch English borrowings and languages:

Spanish algebra, harem

Finnish yoghurt, jackal

Arabic kiosk, tulip, caftan

Russian kindergarten, blitz, waltz, seminar

Turkish siesta, embargo, sauna

German bistro, sputnik, tundra, tsar

French boutique, elite

Japanese judo, karate, bonsai

Portuguese marmalade, dodo, cobra


  1. In what countries is English spoken?

  2. How many people speak English?

  3. Why is English spoken by so many people?

  4. Where is English used a world language?

  5. What jobs is it international for?

Round up

Our time is coming to an end. We think we told you a lot of about English. We suppose you enjoyed our stories greatly.

And we are sure that next time you’ll know more about the sights, customs and traditions of Great Britain.

Thank you very mach.

Good bye.

Learn English and you’ll be able to travel all over the world!

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  1. http://www.newsru.com/arch/cinema/12sep2008/provolynili.html

  2. http://edu.ksu.ru/russian/news/procedure/page=41/id=85

  3. http://file.interfotki.ru/photo/14/59/145924/fjtocm_cont.jpg

  4. Журнал «Методическая мозаика» №3.2008

  5. Журнал «Speak Out» №2.2006

  6. Журнал «Иностранные языки в школе» №6.2009

  7. Кузовлев В.П. «Английский язык 9кл.»

  8. Приложение к журналу «1 сентября». «Английский язык» №13.2009


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