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English lesson plan

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This lesson plan is for 6-11 grades. 

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«English lesson plan»

Lesson Plan: Second Conditional

O:bjective: at the end of the lesson students should be able to learn the rules of second conditional sentences and make the sentences with them, and use in their speech.

Students will understand and be able to use the second conditional to talk about hypothetical situations in the present or future.




45 minutes

Materials Needed:

  • Whiteboard and markers

  • Handouts with exercises

  • Audio clips for listening practice (if available)

  • Projector (optional)

  • Picture cards for prompts (optional)

Lesson Outline:

1. Warm-up (10 minutes)

  • Activity: Quick Review of First Conditional

    • Ask students to form pairs and discuss situations using the first conditional (e.g., "If it rains, I will stay home.").

    • Briefly review the structure of the first conditional on the board: "If + present simple, will + base verb."

2. Introduction to Second Conditional (15 minutes)

  • Explanation:

    • Write an example sentence on the board: "If I won the lottery, I would travel the world."

    • Explain the structure: "If + past simple, would + base verb."

    • Emphasize that the second conditional is used for hypothetical or unreal situations in the present or future.

  • Examples:

    • If I had a million dollars, I would buy a mansion.

    • If she knew his number, she would call him.

3. Guided Practice (15 minutes)

  • Activity: Sentence Formation

    • Provide students with prompts and ask them to form second conditional sentences.

    • Example prompts: "win a free trip," "find a wallet," "meet a celebrity."

    • Encourage students to share their sentences with the class.

4. Pair Work (10 minutes)

  • Activity: If Questions

    • Hand out a list of questions using the second conditional for pairs to discuss.

    • Example questions: "If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?" "If you could meet anyone from history, who would it be?"

    • Walk around and provide assistance as needed.

5. Listening Practice (Optional) (10 minutes)

  • Activity: Listen and Complete

    • Play an audio clip where speakers use the second conditional.

    • Students listen and fill in the blanks or answer questions based on the clip.

6. Production (10 minutes)

  • Activity: Creative Writing or Speaking

    • Option 1: Writing

      • Ask students to write a short paragraph about what they would do if they were the president of their country.

    • Option 2: Speaking

      • Ask students to stand and share their paragraphs or discuss in small groups.

7. Review and Homework (5 minutes)

  • Review:

    • Summarize the key points of the lesson.

    • Answer any remaining questions.

  • Homework:

    • Assign a worksheet with second conditional sentences to complete.

    • Ask students to come up with three second conditional sentences about their own lives to share in the next class.


  • Monitor pair and group activities to ensure understanding.

  • Review written and spoken sentences during the class.

  • Evaluate homework for correct use of the second conditional.



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