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Enjoy the World of Travelling

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«Enjoy the World of Travelling»



Equipment: maps, portraits of famous people, national flags, cards with words, pencils, sheets of paper

  1. Introduction – a class is divided into three groups. Each group is given a name, for example:

  1. Space

  2. Travellers

  3. Magicians



Ps - We are curious about the world around us

  • It is fun to travel to the north

  • we can see a polar bear and enjoy skiing and skating

  • It is exciting to travel to the south

  • we can swim in the sea and play with the dolphins

  • We are happy to waterski!

  • It is interesting to travel to the west.

  • We can see London and speak English

  • It is nice to travel to the east

  • we can make friends with dark-skinned people and learn their weird language.

  1. Geographical quiz – the participants answer the questions of the teacher

  1. What is the name of the planet we live on?

  2. What is there on the Earth?

  3. Is there more water or land on our planet?

  4. What can you see in the fields and forests?

  5. How many oceans are there on the Earth?

  6. What else can separate the two continents?

  7. What are the longest rivers in the world?

  8. What is the largest desert in the world? Is it in Africa?

  9. What is your nationality?

  10. What is the national anthem of Great Britain?

  11. Is New Zealand a kingdom or a republic?

  12. Who is the Head of Canada?

The jury give a point for a correct answer

  1. The Four Main Compass Points – a Spelling Contest – the pupils make three queues at the blackboard and write the following words

  1. East

  2. West

  3. North

  4. South

  5. Arctic

  6. Atlantic

  7. Pacific

  8. Indian

  9. Australia

  10. Argentina

  11. Mediterranean

  12. Europe

  13. Thames

  14. Nile

  15. Mississippi

  16. Beijing

  17. Washington

  18. Moscow

The jury give a point for a correct answer

  1. The Story of the Country – the contesters take a card and tell the story of a country:

  1. Canada

  2. Australia

  3. Russia

Sample story: RUSSIA – Russia is the largest country in the world. It is situated in Europe and Asia. Its capital is Moscow. There are a lot of rivers in Russia. The longest river is the Ob in Siberia, but the most loved and famous is the Volga-River. There are many songs and poems about the Volga. The tree-symbol of Russia is a birch-tree – beryozonka. A pretty Russian girl is often named by this tree. There are many nationalities and languages in Russia, but all people of the country can speak Russian. The national flag of our country is called – the Three-coloured. It consists of three horizontal stripes – white (honour), blue (devotion) and red (bravery). We are proud of our country.

The jury give a point for a story

  1. The Greatest Explorers of the World – a Mosaic Story. The pupils choose the proper phrases from the given list suitable for their personality

  1. Christopher Columbus

  2. Captain James Cook

  3. Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin

Sample phrases: a great cosmonaut, a daring explorer, a skillful navigator, was born in, was interested in, was fond of doing, became the first, discovered, made, brought glory, his life teaches us, his name is remembered, the monument to … stands

The jury give a point for a story

  1. Imaginary Travels with a Magic Box – the pupils try to guess a country located on different continents.

Teacher: I’ve got a Magic Box in my hands. What is it? You’re quite right, it’s a compass. I turn it and say “North!” Suddenly it becomes very cold and the wind is so icy. Look! There is only blue snow under our feet. What country is it?

  • Canada

  • Greenland

  • Russia

  • Norway

  • Lapland

The children name as many cold countries as they can.

Teacher: I turn the compass and say “South!” It’s getting warmer and warmer. We are under the palm-trees. The sun is shining brightly and we can see silver and golden sand. It is as hot as the fire under our feet. What country is it?


Teacher: I move the compass and say “East!” I see a narrow street and small houses. I see nice women in bright kimonos. They are speaking a strange and beautiful language. It is sweet and melodious. Can you guess what language it is and what country it is spoken in?


Teacher: I move the compass and say “West!” We are in the spacious square now. It is decorated with balloons, ribbons and flowers. There are a lot of happy people in it. They are wearing bright and exotic costumes with coloured feathers, stones and glitters. They are dancing and singing. It is a carnival! What country is it held in? Do you know the name of the city? Who founded it?

Answers: Brazil, Rio-de-Janeiro, Amerigo Vespucci

The jury give a point for every answer

Teacher : I turn the compass and say “Home!” Here we are. We are so happy. EAST OR WEST HOME IS BEST! Let’s sing a song!

The pupils sing a song they love and know together, for instance, “The More We Are Together”.

The End: The pupils are given presents and diplomas “The Quickest”, “The Smartest”, “The Nicest”.


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