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Environment Tests

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 b Use the phrases in Ex. 1a to complete the sentences below.  1 The invention of...........has created a lot of traffic congestion.  2 Temperatures are rising all over the planet because of............  3 My local zoo runs a...........for most of their endangered species.  4 Whenever I cook I always put the ...........into a separate bin just for organic waste.  5 Tell me about the ........... poisonous gases have on the environment.  6 There is more than one nuclear...........near where I live.  7 We should all try to protect the ........... in the areas we live.  8 Do you know you can put eggshells on the...?  9 What is the...........level of this oven?  10 There is always ........... when you buy electronic items.

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«Environment Tests»

Environment Tests

1 a Match the words to form phrases. 

1 energy 
2 power 
3 global 
4 excessive 
5 vegetable 
6 compost 
7 conservation 
8 negative 
9 modern 
10 wildlife 

a peelings 
b transportation 
c station 
d habitats 
e heap 
f consumption 
g effects 
h warming 
i packaging 
j programme

 b Use the phrases in Ex. 1a to complete the sentences below. 
1 The invention of...........has created a lot of traffic congestion. 
2 Temperatures are rising all over the planet because of............ 
3 My local zoo runs a...........for most of their endangered species. 
4 Whenever I cook I always put the ...........into a separate bin just for organic waste. 
5 Tell me about the ........... poisonous gases have on the environment. 
6 There is more than one nuclear...........near where I live. 
7 We should all try to protect the ........... in the areas we live. 
8 Do you know you can put eggshells on the...? 
9 What is the...........level of this oven? 
10 There is always ........... when you buy electronic items.

Environment Tests

1 a Match the words to form phrases. 

1 energy 
2 power 
3 global 
4 excessive 
5 vegetable 
6 compost 
7 conservation 
8 negative 
9 modern 
10 wildlife 

a peelings 
b transportation 
c station 
d habitats 
e heap 
f consumption 
g effects 
h warming 
i packaging 
j programme

 b Use the phrases in Ex. 1a to complete the sentences below. 
1 The invention of...........has created a lot of traffic congestion. 
2 Temperatures are rising all over the planet because of............ 
3 My local zoo runs a...........for most of their endangered species. 
4 Whenever I cook I always put the ...........into a separate bin just for organic waste. 
5 Tell me about the ........... poisonous gases have on the environment. 
6 There is more than one nuclear...........near where I live. 
7 We should all try to protect the ........... in the areas we live. 
8 Do you know you can put eggshells on the...? 
9 What is the...........level of this oven? 
10 There is always ........... when you buy electronic items.


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