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Essential question in PBL

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Essential question. (co-worker Nargiz Rabatova) 34 ER

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«Essential question in PBL»

Essential question

Zhanar Kabulova and Nargiz Rabatova 34 ER

Why making poems for enriching the vocabulary?

  1. Is it provocative?

Yes, it is. This question is provocative as not all the teachers use poems in English classes.

  1. Is it open-ended?

Yes, it is. This question is open-ended, it will not have a single or easy answer.

  1. Is it challenging?

Yes, it is. This question is challenging. Students can not answer to this question immediately

  1. Does it go to the heart of a discipline or topic?

Yes, it does. The question deals with the processes of learning and teaching foreign languages, probable methods and approaches, age peculiarities of the pupils.

  1. Does it arise from real world dilemmas that students find interesting?

Yes, it does. Nowadays poetry is becoming more and more popular among new generation.


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