Благодаря готовым учебным материалам для работы в классе и дистанционно

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Готовые ключевые этапы урока всегда будут у вас под рукой

Организационный момент

Проверка знаний

Объяснение материала

Закрепление изученного

Итоги урока

Responsibilities of the teacher and the student

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Teacher’s role

Student’ role


To introduce the  aim of the project


To define research problem


To create essential question


To engage students in the process of PBL


 To divide students into groups

To discuss the project work with a teacher


 To get acquainted with the idea of PBL



To define necessary sources to help student to create the plan of the project


To give the tasks and acquaint with student’ responsibilities


 To give the ideas of the projects


To suggest the ways of presenting the results


To identify the date of the results’ presentation


To discuss and establish the criteria for evaluating


To accumulate the materials necessary for the project


To make up the   plan and schedule for the project


Take on the role of project designers


To choose the way of presenting the result


To discuss and establish the criteria for evaluating



Showing the video on the basis of the project’ theme “School of my dream”


Organize activities for the project


To conduct games

Creating a mind map on the basis of the video “School of my dream”

To collect  information for the project

To take part in gaming activities

Result of the project




To analyze the information prepared by students

To check the content of the project work


To correct students’ mistakes


To check students participation  in the project work

To prepare presentation To analyze prepared information


To create the video the for the  presentation of the project’s result



Presentation of the project


To check the stages of student



To present the projects form of presentation

Evaluation of the project

To evaluate the student’ work


To discuss students’ work  

To provide self-assessment and peer-assessment  

To summarize the results of the project work

To evaluate the work of the classmate and own role with the help of self-assessment and peer-assessment


To reflect on the process




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«Responsibilities of the teacher and the student»


Teacher’s role

Student’ role


To introduce the aim of the project

To define research problem

To create essential question

To engage students in the process of PBL

To divide students into groups

To discuss the project work with a teacher

To get acquainted with the idea of PBL


To define necessary sources to help student to create the plan of the project

To give the tasks and acquaint with student’ responsibilities

To give the ideas of the projects

To suggest the ways of presenting the results

To identify the date of the results’ presentation

To discuss and establish the criteria for evaluating

To accumulate the materials necessary for the project

To make up the plan and schedule for the project

Take on the role of project designers

To choose the way of presenting the result

To discuss and establish the criteria for evaluating


Showing the video on the basis of the project’ theme “School of my dream”

Organize activities for the project

To conduct games

Creating a mind map on the basis of the video “School of my dream”

To collect information for the project

To take part in gaming activities

Result of the project

To analyze the information prepared by students

To check the content of the project work

To correct students’ mistakes

To check students participation in the project work

To prepare presentation

To analyze prepared information

To create the video the for the presentation of the project’s result

Presentation of the project

To check the stages of student

To present the projects form of presentation

Evaluation of the project

To evaluate the student’ work

To discuss students’ work

To provide self-assessment and peer-assessment

To summarize the results of the project work

To evaluate the work of the classmate and own role with the help of self-assessment and peer-assessment

To reflect on the process


© 2017, 418 1

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