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Эссе на тему "Ecology"

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Данное эссе посвященно Году экологии в России. Сочинение раскрывает суть экологических проблем в Ямало-Ненецком автономном округе глазами ребенка.

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«Эссе на тему "Ecology"»

To have Peace and Harmony

Nature must be living free

Every Creature has its place

That includes the Human race.”


Today the ecological situation is the question number one. People all over the world are worried about what is happening to environment. It is known that about two hundred years ago the air was pure and clean. It was perfect for animals and people of earth to breathe. Then people began to build factories. Those factories put a lot of harmful gases into the air. Then people began to drive cars. Driving cars added more pollution to the air. Its common knowledge that many animals are disappearing. It’s because there are more and more people living on Earth. They need room to live. They cut down forests, and wild areas are filled with houses. The plants and animals that live there are endangered. Some even die out and are gone from the Earth forever.

There are a big number of ecological problems in the World. But I live in the most wonderful place in the world. And my home has many problems too.

Yamalo-Nenetsky Autonomous Region is my home. I love it very much. But people forget that it is our home and started to pollute it. One third of the world's natural gas resources are accumulated inside the region's bowels. The region also supplies its customers with products of deer-breeding, fishing, fur trade. But gas and oil pollute my land. Our rivers and lakes became more and more dirty. Animals die. People turn all the rivers into marshes. Because of the gas, air converted into ozone holes and that’s why it is hard to breath. There is radiation all around. But people don’t want to think about it.

We mustn’t forget that it is our home. We must keep it tidy, we mustn’t litter. We must help to keep our environment clean.

I am a little girl, but I understand that we can kill ourselves. Big people think about it too. Enough think only about money. Let’s save our home!

Pupil: Sofyanova Sofiya

Form: 4 C

Teacher: Pirozhanskaya L.I.


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