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«Fears & phobias»
What is a phobia?
What is Fear?
According to the source, there are the following types of fears:
1. Biological fears are related to a person's anxiety about their life. For example, fear of fire or other force of nature capable of harming a person, fear of a direct threat to existence.
2. Social fears are associated with a person's fear of losing their status in the eyes of society, an individual is afraid of lowering self-esteem. A person is afraid to take responsibility, avoids social contacts and obligations, and is afraid to go out in public.
3 .Existential fear is inherent in every person. This feeling is inside us, in the subconscious. There is no apparent reason for such fears to arise, they manifest themselves reflexively. These include human emotions such as fear of death, fear of passing time and other abstract fears that evoke emotions that make you think about eternal questions.
If fear has a negative impact on a person's life, it is recommended to seek help from a specialist.
Arachnophobia is a fear of spiders
fear of spiders is one of the most widespread phobias which affects considerable part of people.
Most of people with arophobia never visits high places (here the speech doesn't even go about mountains). People with arophobia are afraid to walk upstairs or to become on a stool.
Dentophobia or fear of the stomatologist
stomatologic phobia – very widespread phobia to which, in a varying degree, each person is subject.
Niktofobiya or darknessfear
It is considered that niktofobiya are subject only children. But it is absolutely incorrect. Many adults not only in panic are afraid of the dark, but also carefully hide the fear for people around and from themselves.
Hemophobia or fear of blood
obsessional neurosis which is characterized by strong fear at the sight of blood. And blood can be not only on the body, but also at strangers.
Claustrophobia or fear of the closed space.
the fear of the enclosed space connected with thought of a trap.
My fear is my friend!
- Accept your anxiety or fear. Don't blame them, don't shame yourself for them, don't write them down as weaklings. These emotions are natural, all people experience them.
Don't be afraid !
Laugh into the eyes of fear