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Фразовый глагол Take

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Мне нравится делать презентации к каждому фразовому глаголу. В каждой я стараюсь отразить как можно больше вариантов фразовых глаголов, несмотря на то, что в учебнике обычно представлено 3-4 варианта.

Радует, что при повторении пройденного фразового глагола учащиеся помнят и те фразовые глаголы, которые я давала дополнительно. 

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«Фразовый глагол Take»

Phrasal verb ‘Take’ МБОУ СОШ №20

Phrasal verb ‘Take’


Take up браться за что-либо встречаться отнимать время, занимать место снимать, удалять; перемещать Workers took up paving stones. I don't want you to take up with him. I will not take up any more of your time. I want to take up yoga.

Take up

  • браться за что-либо
  • встречаться
  • отнимать время, занимать место
  • снимать, удалять; перемещать
  • Workers took up paving stones.
  • I don't want you to take up with him.
  • I will not take up any more of your time.
  • I want to take up yoga.
Take back отрекаться, отказываться (от сказанного, написанного); признавать свою неправоту возвращать (на прежнее место) возвращать (к воспоминаниям) I took my sister back to the hotel. My mind took me back to that evening. We decided to take back our claim.

Take back

  • отрекаться, отказываться (от сказанного, написанного); признавать свою неправоту
  • возвращать (на прежнее место)
  • возвращать (к воспоминаниям)
  • I took my sister back to the hotel.
  • My mind took me back to that evening.
  • We decided to take back our claim.
Take on принимать на службу принять решение заняться чем-либо принимать вызов вступать в борьбу He decided to take on new assignments.  Business is good so the company is taking on extra staff. You’ll lose, if you take on the government. I’ll take it on. If you need money take on extra work.

Take on

  • принимать на службу
  • принять решение заняться чем-либо
  • принимать вызов
  • вступать в борьбу
  • He decided to take on new assignments. 
  • Business is good so the company is taking on extra staff.
  • You’ll lose, if you take on the government.
  • I’ll take it on.
  • If you need money take on extra work.
Take off снимать (одежду), сбрасывать что-либо, сбрасывать вес уменьшиться; прекратиться взлететь (о самолете) She took off her coat. He took off weight within two months. Out plane took off in time. The wind is taking off. 

Take off

  • снимать (одежду), сбрасывать что-либо, сбрасывать вес
  • уменьшиться; прекратиться
  • взлететь (о самолете)
  • She took off her coat.
  • He took off weight within two months.
  • Out plane took off in time.
  • The wind is taking off. 
Take in понимать  Take over принимать обязанности, наследовать быть похожим John took after his mother. He let his two sons take over his business.  I can’t take in what you mean. Take after

Take in

  • понимать

Take over

  • принимать обязанности, наследовать
  • быть похожим
  • John took after his mother.
  • He let his two sons take over his business. 
  • I can’t take in what you mean.

Take after

Take out вынимать удалять пригласить (в театр, ресторан) Students, take out your textbooks. Let me take you out. I know one excellent restaurant not far from our house. You should take out that bad tooth.

Take out

  • вынимать
  • удалять
  • пригласить (в театр, ресторан)
  • Students, take out your textbooks.
  • Let me take you out. I know one excellent restaurant not far from our house.
  • You should take out that bad tooth.
Take away брать еду на вынос убирать; уносить уводить, увозить, удалять делать хуже; портить I'd like to take you away for a holiday. You may take everything away.  Would you like to eat in or take away? The billboards take away the scenery.

Take away

  • брать еду на вынос
  • убирать; уносить
  • уводить, увозить, удалять
  • делать хуже; портить
  • I'd like to take you away for a holiday.
  • You may take everything away. 
  • Would you like to eat in or take away?
  • The billboards take away the scenery.
Exercises 1. He’ll take ____ the company when his father retires. 2. I want to take ____ tennis. Do you know where I can have lessons? 3. We’re going to take you ____ for your birthday, Dave! 4. She takes ____ her father. She looks and acts just like him. 5. Take ____ your shirt and I’ll wash it for you. 6. Now that you’ve taken _____ weight you should take that new shirt _____ to the store


1. He’ll take ____ the company when his father retires.

2. I want to take ____ tennis. Do you know where I can have lessons?

3. We’re going to take you ____ for your birthday, Dave!

4. She takes ____ her father. She looks and acts just like him.

5. Take ____ your shirt and I’ll wash it for you.

6. Now that you’ve taken _____ weight you should take that new shirt _____ to the store

Exercises 7. Why don’t you take ____ a hobby instead of watching TV every evening? 8. Who do you take ____ – your mum or your dad? 9. Tom’s taking me ____ for my birthday. 10. Mr Jones took ____ the company when his grandfather died. 11. Peter is afraid of flying, especially while taking ______. 12. I sometimes come to a local café and take______ some food.


7. Why don’t you take ____ a hobby instead of watching TV every evening?

8. Who do you take ____ – your mum or your dad?

9. Tom’s taking me ____ for my birthday.

10. Mr Jones took ____ the company when his grandfather died.

11. Peter is afraid of flying, especially while taking ______.

12. I sometimes come to a local café and take______ some food.

Exercises 13. This ugly building takes _____ that picturesque mosque. 14. Don’t take _____ their team, it’s useless. 15. The fish was rotten, so we took it ______.  this photo takes me ______ to my childhood. 16. If you’re sleepy you are not able to take _______ what the teacher explains. 17. We will take our cat _____to friends while we are on holiday. 18. Don’t take ______this task, it’s boring.


13. This ugly building takes _____ that picturesque mosque.

14. Don’t take _____ their team, it’s useless.

15. The fish was rotten, so we took it ______.

this photo takes me ______ to my childhood.

16. If you’re sleepy you are not able to take _______ what the teacher explains.

17. We will take our cat _____to friends while we are on holiday.

18. Don’t take ______this task, it’s boring.


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